mgr Karol Rębisz


Karol Rębisz_zdjęcie.jpg [1.42 MB] ORCID: 0000-0003-3060-2566


The topic of my dissertation is „Legal subjectivity of Artificial Intelligence”.

I am a PhD student in the discipline of law. My research interests concern civil law with regard to new technologies. I am also interested in intellectual property law and insurance law. Currently, my research is focused on the legal aspects of the Artificial Intelligence.

Research conducted as part of PhD studies is aimed at:

  1. define the conditions for granting the legal personality of artificial intelligence;
  2. indication of the possible moment of creation and termination of the legal subjectivity of artificial intelligence;
  3. define of the postulated scope of the legal subjectivity of artificial intelligence.

The legal subjectivity of artificial intelligence has not received much attention of reasercher. Admittedly, in the publications cited there are postulates to introduce the legal subjectivity of artificial intelligence, but the authors do not deal with specifying the conditions for granting it, and do not indicate the consequences of its introduction. The postulate of granting artificial intelligence to legal subjectivity has been rejected by the European and national legislators, but it is worth making an in-depth analysis. The further dynamic development of artificial intelligence(especially artificial intelligence with a high degree of autonomy) may force a return to this postulate.



  1. Rębisz K. Glosa do uchwały składu 7 sędziów sądu Najwyższego z dnia 2 września 2019 roku (III CzP 99/18), „Wiadomości Ubezpieczeniowe 2/2020”, s. 101-108.(Title of article in English: Gloss to resolution of the supreme Court of 2 september 2019, court file no. III CzP 99/18).
  2. Rębisz K. Wybrane zagadnienia prawa cywilnego w propozycjach regulacyjnych dotyczących sztucznej inteligencji w Unii Europejskiej, „Europejski Przegląd Sądowy 10/2021”, s. 22-27.( Title of article in English: Selected Issues of Civil Law in the Regulatory Proposals Concerning Artificial Intelligence in the European Union).
  3. Rębisz K. System ochrony dóbr osobistych wobec technologii deepfake() [w:] J. Sieńczyło-Chlabicz(red.) Własność intelektualna i nowe technologie w Internecie w dobie społeczeństwa cyfrowego, 2022, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku.(Title of article in English: Personal rights protection system against deepfake technology).


Competition for the best master's thesis in the field of insurance, organised by Mentor S.A.- second place.



University of Bologna(Italy), Bologna, 05.2022- short-term research stay.


International conferences:

9.06.2022: PhD Student Conference: "Rights for Non-Humans: AI, Robots, Cyborgs, Animals and Nature", University of Uppsala(Sweden)

Speech: "The scope of legal subjectivity of Artificial Intelligence in private law".