mgr Krystian Propola

Krystian Propola.jpg [2.19 MB]ORCID: 0000-0002-6710-7203


The topic of my dissertation is The Fate of Jews in the Soviet Union and on the Eastern Front During World War II - in the Light of the Online Edition of the ‘Yevreiski Mir’ Newspaper

My studies focus on the role of Israeli and Jewish media, and in particular Russian-language web portals, in shaping historical memory of former Soviet Jews and their descendants. By applying methods characteristic of both historical research and media studies, I try to answer a number of questions about the role of memories and history in Russian-language Jewish media.

Because of the subject of my research, it is extremely important to me to determine what function memories fulfill in the Russian-language Jewish media content, and most of all, who the authors of them actually are. Are the veterans or the victims of the crime predominant among them? These questions seem to be crucial, because thanks to them it is possible to determine whether the articles published in press and other mass media are used to create a pattern of Jewish behavior during the war or if an attempt is made to create myths around selected participants of the mentioned events. For this reason, it is also important to me to define the concept of "heroism" as understood by the authors.

The results of my studies make it possible to present the characteristic elements of the historical narrative of Russian-speaking Jewish communities in the United States, Israel, Germany and Russia in a broader perspective. They also contribute to showing the most significant differences in the interpretation of the events of World War II between the Soviet historiography, the contemporary Russian politics of memory and former Soviet Jews.


Journal Articles:

  1. Propola K., Recepcja reformy cerkiewnej Piotra Wielkiego przez środowiska starowiercze w XVIII w., ‘Prace Historyczno-Archiwalne’, 2019, v. 31, pp. 73-84.
  2. Propola K., Cadyk Elimelech z Leżajska w świetle internetowego wydania amerykańskiego czasopisma „Jewriejskij Mir”, ‘Prace Historyczno-Archiwalne’, 2020, v. 32, pp. 167-178.
  3. Propola K., The Victory Day Celebrations in Israel in the Light of Articles in Russian-language Israeli Web Portals, ‘Studia Judaica’, 2020, v. 2 (46), pp. 357-373.
  4. Propola K., Obraz Żydówek na froncie wschodnim II wojny światowej we współczesnych rosyjskojęzycznych mediach żydowskich. Na przykładzie wydania internetowego amerykańskiego czasopisma „Jewriejskij Mir”, ‘Studia Judaica’, 2021, v. 1 (47), pp. 243-264.
  5. Propola K., Galician Tzadikim in the Light of Russian-language Jewish Press. On the Example of the Online Edition of the ‘Yevreiski Mir’ Newspaper, ‘Prace Historyczno-Archiwalne’, 2021, v. 33, pp. 257-270.
  6. Propola K., Propaganda and Methods of Persuasion of Post-war Bund Circles on the Example of "The Jewish Labor Bund Bulletin", ‘Piotrkowskie Zeszyty Historyczne’, 2021, v. 22, no. 3, pp.. 101-120.



Szkice z dziejów gospodarczych i społecznych Galicji, ed. Grzegorz Zamoyski, Archiwum Państwowe w Rzeszowie, Naczelna Dyrekcja Archiwów Państwowych, Rzeszów 2018, pp. 394, ‘Prace Historyczno-Archiwalne’, 2020, v. 32, pp. 274-277.


Edited Works:

Wschód-Zachód. Interakcje na przestrzeni dziejów, ed. K. Propola, Rzeszów 2017.


Research Grants:

The "Young Researcher" Grant of the College of Humanities of the University of Rzeszów, project: The Media Image of the Jewish Cemetery in Rybotycze and Its Role in Shaping the Memory of the Multicultural Heritage of the Local Community, project no .: IH-04/2022 / MN.