mgr Kateryna Harpula

Kateryna Harpula.jpg [159.32 KB]ORCID: 0000-0002-4594-7973 

The topic of my dissertation is “The poetics of Fyodor Glinka”

The main topic of my research is the poetics of Fyodor Glinka, presenting his place in Russian literature and its influence on other poets.

In my doctoral dissertation I will present how his work evolved at the turn of the 18th and 19th centuries. During this period, he was active in poetry, which amounted to 70 years in the writer's life. I pay attention to the presentation of F. Glinka as a poet-decembrist and I try to reflect the issues of his civic work, as well as the topics of religion, affirmation of nature and love he touches upon. Fyodor Glinka's works are extremely important for literary studies, but have been little researched and described so far. My research will show both the way the world is perceived at a given time and the development of Russian poetics from the times of M. Karamzin to the times of M. Niekrasov. The dissertation created by me will be able to be used by Polish and Russian students on the subject of Russian literature.

My research interests are also related to the subject of Stalin in Russian and world literature.
I describe his private life, which was very closely related to the power he held, but I also go back to the times of his youth, where it was Stalin himself who tried his hand as a poet who created his works and was assessed quite positively by critics. The subject of Stalin in literature is very close to me because my thesis was devoted to him, both in private life and in Russian literature, i.e. how distinguished writers described him.

I pay a lot of attention to the subject of Siberia, its history, culture and way of life in the past and today. This is evidenced by, among others numerous scientific conferences organized with my help by, for example, the University of Rzeszów. This subject is extremely important for all of us, both in terms of history and literature, as well as culture and tradition. Therefore, my scientific research also includes Siberian fairy tales, their history, uniqueness and message. Siberia is and has been a place where many nations and cultures connect, and it hides many secrets.

My research is largely concerned with rarely discussed and developed topics, and will therefore have a huge impact on my further scientific development.


  1. Syberia – przeszłość i teraźniejszość, praca zbiorowa pod red. Jolanty Kur-Kononowicz, artykuł: Harpula K., Wspomnień czas, Rzeszów 2020, ISBN 978-83-7996-792-6
  2. СЛОВ’ЯНСЬКА ФІЛОЛОГІЯ У СУЧАСНОМУ СВІТІ, Матеріали I міжнародної науково-практичної конференції «Слов’янські читання» rozdział: Kateryna Harpula Krytyka zachodu na podstawie "Zimowych notatek o wrażeniach z lata" F Dostojewskiego, Odessa 2021, ISBN 978–966–927–
  3. Studenci z wizytą na Ukrainie, „Gazeta Uniwersytecka”, Nr 2/2018 (102), s. 30-31, ISSN 1642-6797 (współautor J. Kur-Kononowicz)
  4. Syberia oczami zesłanego dziecka, [w:] „Gazeta Uniwersytecka”, nr 3/2017 (98), Wyd. Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, Rzeszów 2017, s. 32-33. ISSN 1642-67976 (współautor J. Kur-Kononowicz)
  5. Интервью с преподавателем Henrykiem Grzysiem, Gazetka Uczelniana „Скрепка”, Nr 1/12/2018 (współautor P. Kuczmaszewska)
  6. Колядки и колядовщики (Рождество в России), Gazetka Uczelniana „Скрепка”, Nr 1/12/2018
  7. Русская кухня, Gazetka Uczelniana „Скрепка, Nr 1/12/2018
  8. Париж!!!, Gazetka Uczelniana „Скрепка, Nr 1/12/2018
  9. Скандинавский стиль в молодёжной моде, Gazetka Uczelniana „Скрепка”, Nr 1/12/2018
  10. Эвтаназия – право на свободу от страдания, Gazetka Uczelniana „Скрепка”, Nr 1/12/2018 (współautor P. Kuczmaszewska)
  11. Интервью с преподавателем Małgorzatą Dziedzic, Gazetka Uczelniana „Скрепка”, Nr 2/04/2019 (współautor P. Kuczmaszewska)
  12. Русская кухня Кулич пасхальный, Gazetka Uczelniana „Скрепка”, Nr 2/04/2019
  13. Депрессия, Gazetka Uczelniana „Скрепка, Nr 2/04/2019