PRE - Courses and Introduction days

  1. University introduces on-line pre-courses consisting of three subjects: physics, chemistry and biology. The aim of the courses - the future student should recall the basics of physics, chemistry and biology; familiarize themselves with the nomenclature; improve passive vocabulary.

The courses are obligatory for everyone enrolled conditionally. Each accepted candidate will be given 3 individual codes to access the pre-courses platform.

The on-line courses are expected to last around 5 months. Each subject will have its Supervisor.

The courses are based on Pearson's textbooks. Individual code to access the textbooks will last for 24 months so during the first year students still will be able to check their  knowledge at any convenient time.

  1. Introduction days - meeting with deanery authorities (September 2024) are strongly advised to participate in.

Aim of the orientation days is to equip future students with necessary knowledge to help cope with upcoming studies which includes a brief review of biology, physics and chemistry, meeting with Dean’s Office, familiarizing students with basic Polish vocabulary, information about University Library and Virtual Dean's Office.


Detailed information - HERE