Social and special scholarship for people with disabilities

The Student, after reading the ordinances on the submission, required documentation and granting benefits for UR Students (/student/stypendia-domy-studenta-kredyty-studenckie-ubezpie/stypendia/regulamin-swiadczen-wnioski)

submit an application:

- social scholarship - Annex No. 1 to the Regulations of benefits for Students of the University of Rzeszów

- special scholarship for disabled people - Annex 2 to the Regulations of benefits for Students of the University of Rzeszów


The Student is obliged to complete the application and send it via traditional post along with the complete set of documents to the Dean's Office of the College of Medical Sciences to the following address: Al. Kopisto 2A, 35-959 Rzeszów, with a note: Section for Social Affairs from August 16 to October 5, 2023

Along with the application for a special scholarship for people with disabilities, the student is required to submit a photocopy of the disability degree certificate (original available for inspection).

Information on material assistance is provided under the telephone number: 17 872 1137 from Monday to Friday, from 8.00-15.00 and by e-mail: