Rector's scholarship for 1st year Students

The following persons may apply for the Rector's scholarship:


   Persons who were admitted to the first year of uniform Master's studies in the year of submitting the matriculation examination, and are:

- winners of the international Olympiad or laureates or finalists of the Olympiad of the central level, referred to in the regulations on the education system, or

- medalists of at least sports competition for the title of Polish Champion in a given sport, referred to in the regulations on sport.

The application for the Rector's scholarship for students of uniform master's studies (est. 4) must be accompanied by:

- a copy of the secondary school-leaving examination certificate (original available for inspection),

- a copy of the admission decision (original available for inspection),

- a copy of the diploma / organizer's certificate (original available for inspection), confirming the above-mentioned achievements.


The application should be completed in accordance with the template of Annex 4to the Regulations ((zał. nr 4 do Regulaminu)  available at: /student/stypendia-domy-studenta-kredyty-studenckie-ubezpie/stypendia/regulamin-swiadczen-wnioski, sign and send (by traditional post) together with attachments confirming the achieved achievements to the following address:


Dział Kształcenia/Sekcja Spraw Socjalnych (Department of Education / Section of Social Affairs)

Ćwiklińskiej 1 Street, 35-395 Rzeszów bud. D2, tel. 004817 8721025.


The deadline for submitting the application is 5/10/2023. This may change in the event of prolonged enrollment for studies.