prof. dr hab. n. o zdr. Edyta Barnaś

  • Jednostka:
    Instytut Nauk o Zdrowiu, Kolegium Nauk Medycznych
  • Budynek: A2
  • Pokój: 215
  • Nr telefonu: +48 17 872 11 12
  • Email: [email protected]
  • ORCID: 0000-0002-7567-3782
  • Konsultacje dla studentów: poniedziałek godz. 13.00 - 15.00



Institute/College: Institute of Health Sciences/ Medical College of Rzeszow University

Keywords: quality of life, prevention in obstetrics and gynecology, health promotion for women and their families, oncology / gynecology


  1. Short description of scientific/artistic activity (research topic) (max 300 words):

The entire scientific output includes 75 articles, including 61 original full-text papers, 3 case reports and 4 review papers. Until the doctorate, there were 3 theses, from doctorate to habilitation: 25 papers. In addition, editing of 2 monographs: Polish and English, and 6 chapters in textbooks.

Directions of scientific activity:

  1. Widely understood prophylaxis in obstetrics and gynecology, including perinatal care;
  2. Topics related to oncology, especially in the field of gynecology;
  3. Activities related to medical teaching.

All of them are in line with the dynamically developing trend related to the improvement of the safety and quality of healthcare in Poland.

In the group of other significant scientific and didactic achievements, supervising doctoral students plays an important role. Currently, I am a supervisor of four completed doctoral dissertations, two of which have been conferred, one by the Council of the Faculty of Health Sciences of the Jagiellonian University - Collegium Medicum, the other by the Scientific Council of the College of Medical Sciences of the University of Rzeszów.

In addition, I was a reviewer of six doctoral dissertations in the field of medical sciences and health sciences, in the discipline of health sciences, and I was a supervisor of 162 master's theses and a reviewer of 123 master's / bachelor's theses in health sciences.

  1. Information on academic and artistic achievements:
  • number of publications according to Expertus database:130
  • list of the most important publications/artistic works (max 10), including articles, monographs, chapters in monographs:
  1. Joanna Skręt- Magierło, Edyta Barnaś, Januszek Sławomir, Teresa Zmysło, Andrzej Skręt, Elżbieta Kraśnianin, NataliyaHenryk, Oksana Makarchuk, IrynaBasiuga, OmelyanKwartsyany. Opinions and attitudes of parturients, midwives and obstetricians towards Cesarean Section in the provinces of Podkarpackie (Poland) and Ivano- Frankivsk (Ukraine). Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine 2016, Vol.23, No1, 157-162. doi: 10.5604/12321966.1196873
  2. Joanna Skręt- Magierło, Renata Raś, Edyta Barnaś, Andrzej Skręt. Evaluation of the hospital environment for women with endometrial cancer. Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine 2016; 23(3):511-516. doi: 10.5604/12321966.1219201
  3. Katarzyna Pas, Joanna Skręt- Magierło, Renata Raś, Andrzej Skręt, Edyta Barnaś. Prospective Study Concerning 71 Cases of Cesarean Scar Endometriosis (CSE). Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology2017;
  4. Edyta Barnaś. Standard opieki pielęgniarskiej w opiece nad pacjentką leczoną chirurgicznie w skojarzeniu z radio- i chemioterapią z powodu nowotworu narządu płciowego [w:] Marta Łuczyk, Zdzisława Szadowska- Szlachetka, Barbara Ślusarska. Standardy i procedury w pielęgniarstwie onkologicznym. PZWL, Warszawa 2017, s.380-393. ISBN 978-83-200-5304-3.
  5. Edyta Barnaś, Mariusz Książek, Renata Raś, Andrzej Skręt, Joanna Skręt- Magierło, Ewa Dmoch- Gajzlerska..Benign Metastasizing Leiomyoma:A Review of Current Literature in Respect to the Time and Type of Previous Gynecological Surgery. PLOS One 2017;12(4):
  6. Renata Raś, Edyta Barnaś, Andrzej Skręt, Marek Sobolewski, Bogusław Gawlik, Joanna Skręt-Magierło. Goal attainment scaling and quality of life in patients with POP undergoing conventional versus mesh repair. Archives of Perinatal Medicine 2017;23(4):214-220.ISSN 1505-0580
  7. Joanna Trawińska, Joanna Skręt- Magierło, Renata Raś, Bogusław Gawlik, Andrzej Skręt, Edyta Barnaś. Assessment of information received preoperatively in patients with endometrial cancer. Current Gynecology Oncology 2017, 15 (3), p. 172–182; DOI: 10.15557/CGO.2017.0017. ISSN 2081-1632
  8. Edyta Barnaś, Renata Raś, Joanna Skręt- Magierło, Mariusz Wesecki, Justyna Filipowska, Mariusz Książek, Andrzej Skręt, Kazimierz Widenka. Natural history of leiomyomas beyond the uterus. Case report. Medicine doi. ISNN 0025-7994
  9. Edyta Barnas, Joanna Skret-Magierlo, Andrzej Skret, Ewa Kaznowska, Joanna Depciuch, Kamil Szmuc, Kornelia Łach, Izabela Krawczyk –Marć, Józef Cebulski. Simultaneus FTiR and Raman spectroscopy in endometrial atypical hyperplasia and cancer. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2020,21,4828, doi:10.3390/ijms21144828
  10. Joanna Depciuch, Edyta Barnaś, Joanna Skręt-Magierło, Andrzej Skręt, Ewa Kaznowska, Kornelia Łach, Paweł Jakubczyk, Józef Cebulski. Spectroscopic evaluation of carcinogenesis in endometrial Scientific Reports 2021:11:9079.


  1. Information about the scientific care provided, including:
  • number of doctoral dissertations conducted:4
  • number of promoted doctorates:4
  • experience as an associate promoter: N/A


  1. Information on teamwork experience, including:
  • experience in leading and/or working in a scientific team:
  1. Genetic and epigenetic disorders as well as diagnosis and treatment difficulties in neoplastic diseases (member of the research team). Project in progress. Statutory activity of the university.
  2. Prospective evaluation of the role of colonoscopy in preoperative diagnosis of ovarian cancer (research team member). Project completed. Statutory activity of the university.
  3. Myomas located outside the uterus - genetic and epigenetic tests (member of the research team). The project is underway. Statutory activity of the university.
  4. Analysis of the methylation profile of the promoters of selected genes in breast cancer (project manager) The project completed. Statutory activity of the university.
  5. Analysis of methylation status and IncRNA LINC00299 and GAS5 expression in breast cancer (project leader) Project completed. Statutory activity of the university.
  6. Fast, high-throughput SARS-CoV-2 infection identification strategy, acronym SONAR (content coordinator of the project on behalf of the university). Financing: Ministry of Science and Higher Education on the basis of the Minister's Decision of 23/09/2020.


  1. Information on knowledge transfer and mobility activities, including:
  • experience in knowledge transfer between science and business Research expertise for entities: N/A
  • professional experience gained outside the university,
  • 2012 – Diploma in Ethics in Medical Practice and Medical Care – Fist Edition of the international (Polish-French) studies organised in the cooperation between Medical University in Warsaw (Poland), the Mother and Child Institute, and Paris- Est- Marne-la- Valée University (France).
  • 2010 – Diploma in Molecular Biology, Postgraduate Studies organised by the Faculty of Biochemistry, Biophysics, and Biotechnology, Jagiellonian University in Cracow, Poland
  • experience in mobility programmes (inter-university, intersectoral, international): Erasmus + participant (Italy, Ukraine)
  1. Information on research management activities, including:
  • externally funded research/art projects (Principal Investigator): N/A
  • experience related to the management of scientific research and artistic projects: N/A
  • experience in research, R&D, arts and other projects: N/A
  1. Information on activities in the field of applied research and cooperation with the economy, including:
  • Patents: N/A
  • patent applications: N/A
  • other intellectual property rights: N/A
  1. Information about popular science activities, including:
  • popular science, technical and other publications: N/A
  • experience in spreading scientific/artistic awareness in the community:

cyclical lectures as part of the National Cervical Cancer Prevention Program - more than 2,000 trained women from Podkarpacie; lectures on health promotion in schools and workplaces

  1. Information about teaching experience, including:
  • experience in conducting didactic courses, including graduation seminars: yes since 2006
  • experience in the preparation of teaching materials: yes
  • preparation of textbooks and scripts: chapter in „Standardy i procedury w pielęgniarstwie onkologicznym” PZWL, Warszawa 2017
  • awards or honors for teaching achievements: individual award of the 2nd degree of the Rector of the University of Agriculture for scientific activity in 2015, silver medal of merit in 2019.
  1. Information about organizational activities, including:
  • experience in organising and managing scientific, artistic and/or teaching activities:

      1.Head of the Department of Gynecological Care and Prevention at the Institute of Obstetrics and Medical Rescue, Medical Faculty of the University of Rzeszow (2015-2019)

  1. Dean of the Medical College of Rzeszow University (from 2019/20)
  2. Head of the Department of Obstetric and Gynecological Care (from 2019/20)
