Prestiżowe publikacje naukowe/Prestigious scientific publications
Publikacje 200 punktów/ Publications 200 points
- Kluska K., Piotrowicz K., Kasprzyk I. (2020) The impact of rainfall on the diurnal patterns of atmospheric pollen concentrations. Agric. Forest Meteorol. 91:108042
- Bogdziewicz M., Szymkowiak J., Bonal R., Hacket-Pain A., Espelta J.M., Pesendorfer M., Grewling L., Kasprzyk I., Belmonte J., Kluska K., De Linares C., Penuelas J., Fernandez-Martinez M.(2020) What drives phenological synchrony? Warm springs advance and desynchronize flowering in oaks. Agric. Forest Meteorol. 294, 108140
- Stępalska D., Myszkowska D., Piotrowicz K., Kluska K., Chłopek K., Grewling Ł., ... & Puc M. (2020) High Ambrosia pollen concentrations in Poland respecting the long distance transport (LDT). Science of The Total Environment, 139615.
- Piwowarczyk R., Ochmian, Lachowicz S., Kapusta I., Sotek Z., Błaszak M. (2020) Phytochemical parasite-host relations and interactions: A Cistanche armena case study. Science of the Total Environment 716, 137071
- Sep J., Galda L., Oliwa R., Dudek K. (2020) Surface layer analysis of helical grooved journal bearings after abrasive tests. Wear 448-449, 2032233
- Pawlus P., Reizer R., Wieczorowski M.(2020) Characterization of the shape of height distribution of two-process profile. Measurement: Journal of the International Measurement Confederation 153, 107387
- Szemela K., Rdzanek W.P., Ligezka P. (2020) Physical possibilities of suppressing the sound transmission through a circular aperture covered by the two identical clamped circular plates. Journal of Sound and Vibration 469, 115124
- Semkiv M.V., Ruchala J., Dmytruk K.V., Sibirny A.A. (2020) 100 Years Later, What Is New in Glycerol Bioproduction? Trends in Biotechnology) (in press)
- Moros M., Lewinska A., Merola F., Ferraro P., Wnuk M., Tino A., Tortiglione C. (2020) Gold Nanorods and Nanoprisms Mediate Different Photothermal Cell Death Mechanisms In Vitro and In Vivo. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces 25;12(12), 13718-1373
- Zellweger F., De Frenne P., Lenoir J., Vangansbeke P., Verheyen K., Bernhardt-Römermann M., Baeten L., Hédl R., Berki I., Brunet J., Van Calster H., Chudomelová M., Decocq G., Dirnböck T., Durak T., Heinken T., Jaroszewicz B., Kopecky M., Máliš F., Macek M., Malicki M., Naaf T., Nagel T.A., Ortmann-Ajkai A., Petřík P., Pielech R., Reczyńska K., Schmidt W., Standovár T., Świerkosz K., Teleki B., Vild O., Wulf M., Coomes D. (2020) Forest microclimate dynamics drive plant responses to warming. Science 368, 6492, 772-775
- Matłok N., Gorzelany J. (2020) Assessment of cost and energy effectiveness of modified technologies for production of young fruit trees, taking into account the use of waste biomass for energy and soil amendment related purposes. Energy 190, 116428
- Kukuła K., Bylak A. (2020) Synergistic impacts of sediment generation and hydrotechnical structures related to forestry on stream fish communities, Science of The Total Environment, 737, 139751
- Bylak A., Kukuła K. (2020) Geomorphological effects of animals in mountain streams: Impact and role, Science of Total Environment, 749, 141283
- Pawlus P., Reizer R., Wieczorowski M. (2020) A review of methods of random surface topography modeling. Tribology International 152, 106530
- Pawlus P., Reizer R., Wieczorowski M., Królczyk G. (2020). Material ratio curve as information on the state of surface topography-A review. Precision Engineering 65, 240-258.
- Krełowski, J., Galazutdinov, G.A., Siebenmorgen, R., (2020) On the Relation between Diffuse Bands and Other Interstellar Features, 2020, Astrophysical Journal Letters 899(1), L2
- Ząbek T., Semik-Gurgul E., Ropka-Molik K., Szmatoła T., Kawecka-Grochocka E., Zalewska M., Kościuczuk E., Wnuk M., Bagnicka E. (2020) Short communication: Locus-specific interrelations between gene expression and DNA methylation patterns in bovine mammary gland infected by coagulase-positive and coagulase-negative staphylococci. J Dairy Sci. 103(11):10689-10695.
- Szparaga A., Kocira S., Kapusta I., Zaguła G. (2020) Prototyping extracts from Artemisia absinthium L. for their biostimulating properties yield-enhancing, and farmer income-increasing properties, Industrial Crops and Products, Vol. 160, id. art. 113125
- Bobiec A., Paderewski J., Gajdek A. (2021), Characteristics of Technological Properties of grain and flour from ancient varieties of wheat (Einkorn, Emmer and Spelt), Landscape and Urban Planning, 208, 104038
- Golovchakv R., Kovalskiy A., Shpotyuk Y., Mahlovanyi B., Ploch D., Ignatova T., Kozdras A., Cebulski J., Czopek (2021) Remedial insight on ageing of glass through the study of ancient man‐made artefacts, Archaeometry. 63, 2, 312-326.
- Rdzanek W. P., Wiciak J., Pawelczyk M. (2022) Analysis of sound radiation from a vibrating elastically supported annular plate using compatibility layer and radial polynomials. Journal of Sound and Vibration Vol. 519, 116593
- Bylak A., Kukuła K., Ortyl B., Hałoń E., Demczyk A., Janora-Hołyszko K., Maternia J., Szczurowski Ł., Ziobro J., (2022) Small stream catchments in a developing city context: The importance of land cover changes on the ecological status of streams and the possibilities for providing ecosystem services. Science of the Total Environment 815, 151974.
- Potocki L., Karbarz M., Adamczyk-Grochala J., Kasprzyk I., Pawlina-Tyszko , Lewinska A., Wnuk M. (2021) Silver birch pollen-derived microRNAs promote NF-κB-mediated inflammation in human lung cells; Science of The Total Environment,
- Ruchala J., Sibirny A.A., (2021), Pentose metabolism and conversion to biofuels and high-value chemicals in yeasts, FEMS Microbiology Reviews
- Guleken Z., Tuyji Tok Y., Jakubczyk P., Paja W., Pancerz K., Shpotyuk Y, Cebulski J., Depciuch J., (2022) Development of novel spectroscopic and machine learning methods for the measurement of periodic changes in COVID-19 antibody level, Measurement, 196, 111258,
- Struk-Sokołowska J., Gwoździej-Mazur J., Jurczyk Ł., Jadwiszczak P., Kotowska U., Piekutin J., Canales F.A., Kaźmierczak B., Environmental risk assessment of low molecule benzotriazoles in urban road rainwaters in Poland, Science of The Total Environment, 2022, 56246
- Michalczuk J., Michalczuk M. Rural parks as refugia of cavity nesters in an agricultural landscape: Which habitat features are important for cavity dwellers? Landscape and Urban Planning, Volume 223, July 2022, 104407
- Yang G., Hu D., Xia F., Yang Ch., Liu Y., He H., Shpotyuk Y., Chen H., Gao Y., (2022), Doping Sodium Tungsten Bronze-Like (Na5W14O44) Near-Infrared Shielding Functional Units in Bulk Borosilicate Glasses for Energy-Saving Window Applications, ACS Applied Materials Interfaces, 14, 28, 32206–32217
- Trenczek-Zajac A., Synowiec M., Zakrzewska K., Zazakowny K., Kowalski K., Dziedzic A., Radecka M., 2022, Scavenger-supported photocatalytic evidence of an extended type I electronic structure of the TiO2@Fe2O3 Interface, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 14, 33, 38255–38269
- Rdzanek W. P., Szemela K., Wiciak J., Pawelczyk M., (2023), Sound radiation by a vibrating circular plate located at the bottom of a non-rigid flanged circular cylindrical tube, Journal of Sound and Vibration, Volume 547, 117525, DOI:10.1016/j.jsv.2022.117525
- Semerdjieva, I.B., Radoukova, T., Cantrell, C.L., Astatkie, T., Kacaniova, M., Borisova, D., Zheljazkov, V.D., (2022), Essential oil composition of Pinus heldreichii Christ., P. peuce Griseb., and P. mugo Turra as a function of hydrodistillation time and evaluation of its antimicrobial activity. Industrial Crops and Products, 187, 115484.
- Mir S.A., Shah M.A., Mir M.M., Sidiq T., Sunooj K.V., Siddiqui M.W., Marszałek K., Khaneghah A.M., (2022), Recent developmnets for controlling microbial contamination of nuts. Critical Revievs in Food Science and Nutrition.
- Pawlus P., Reizer R. (2022) Functional importance of honed cylinder liner surface texture: A review. Tribology International vol. 167, art. No. 107409
- Pawlus P., Reizer R., Wieczorowski M., Królczyk G. (2022) Parametric description of one-process surface texture. Measurement: Journal of the International Measurement Confederation, vol. 204, art. No 112066
- Grewling Ł , Magyar D., Chłopek K., Grinn-Gofroń A., Gwiazdowska J., Siddiquee A. , Ianovici N., Kasprzyk I., Wójcik M., Lafférsová J., Majkowska-Wojciechowska B., Myszkowska D., Rodinkova V., Bortnyk M., Malkiewicz M., Piotrowska-Weryszko K., Sulborska-Różycka A., Rybniček O., Ščevková J., Šikoparija B., Ambelas Skjøth C., Smith M., Bogawski P. 2022. Bioaerosols on the atmospheric super highway: An example of long distance transport of Alternaria spores from the Pannonian Plain to Poland. Science of the Total Environment 819 (2022) 153148
- Collins A, Møller P, Gajski G, Vodenková S, Abdulwahed A, Anderson D, Bankoglu EE, Bonassi S, Boutet-Robinet E, Brunborg G, Chao C, Cooke MS, Costa C, Costa S, Dhawan A, de Lapuente J, Bo' CD, Dubus J, Dusinska M, Duthie SJ, Yamani NE, Engelward B, Gaivão I, Giovannelli L, Godschalk R, Guilherme S, Gutzkow KB, Habas K, Hernández A, Herrero O, Isidori M, Jha AN, Knasmüller S, Kooter IM, Koppen G, Kruszewski M, Ladeira C, Laffon B, Larramendy M, Hégarat LL, Lewies A, Lewinska A, Liwszyc GE, de Cerain AL, Manjanatha M, Marcos R, Milić M, de Andrade VM, Moretti M, Muruzabal D, Novak M, Oliveira R, Olsen AK, Owiti N, Pacheco M, Pandey AK, Pfuhler S, Pourrut B, Reisinger K, Rojas E, Rundén-Pran E, Sanz-Serrano J, Shaposhnikov S, Sipinen V, Smeets K, Stopper H, Teixeira JP, Valdiglesias V, Valverde M, van Acker F, van Schooten FJ, Vasquez M, Wentzel JF, Wnuk M, Wouters A, Žegura B, Zikmund T, Langie SAS, Azqueta A., (2023), Measuring DNA modifications with the comet assay: a compendium of protocols., Nature Protocols
- Tama A., Bartosz G., Sadowska I., (2023), Phenolic compounds interfere in the Amplifu Red/peroxidase assay for hydrigen perxide. Food Chemistry, 422, 136222, 1-6
- Depciuch J., Czarny W., Płonka A., Podgorski R., Bajorek W., Dziadek B., Kula-Maximenko M., Sznajder M., Paja W., Shpotyuk Y., Cebulski J., Krol P.,(2023) Investigation of novel methods for stress level measurements in athletes employing FTIR and Raman spectroscopy techniques, Measurement, 220, 113316
- Pawlus P., Reizer R., Wieczorowski M., Królczyk G. (2023) Study of surface texture measurement errors. Measurement, vol. 210, 2023, art. no 112568
- Reizer R., Pawlus P., Wieczorowski M. (2023) Simulation of plateau-honed cylinder liner surface texture creation using superimposition approach. Precision Engineering, vol. 82, 2023, pp. 10-24
- Shakeri M. S., Swiatkowska-Warkocka Z., Polit O., Itina T., Maximenko A., Depciuch J., Gurgul J., Mitura-Nowak M., Perzanowski M., Dziedzic A., Nęcki J., (2023), Alternative local melting-solidification of suspended nanoparticles for heterostructure formation enabled by pulsed laser irradiation, Advanced Functional Materials, 2304359,
- Szparaga A., Kocira S., Kapusta I., Zaguła G.,(2023), Exploring the agro-potential of extract from Levisticum officinale WDJ Koch in soybean cultivation. Industrial Crops&Products
- Lachowicz-Wiśniewska S., Piwowarczyk R., Ochmian I., Kapusta I., Bernatek M., Piątek J. (2023), Correlated trophic and bioacive activities in the parasite-host relationship - Phelipanche purpurea vs. Achillea arabica case study. Industrial Crops&Products
- Miłek M., Kloc M., Dżugan M., (2023), The content of polyphenols and caffeine in spent coffee grounds obtained from various home brewing methods. Żywność. Nauka. Technologia. Jakość, vol. 30 (1), s. 40-52
- Sidor E., Trybulec K., Tomczyk M., Dżugan M. (2023), Spirulina (Arthrospira platensis) jako składnik napojów funkcjonalnych. Żywność. Nauka. Technologia. Jakość, vol. 30 (1), s. 118-131
- Rdzanek W. P., Janssen A. J.E.M., Szemela K., Pawelczyk M., (2024), Sound radiation of a vibrating circular plate set in a hemispherical enclosure, Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol.570, 118136
- Pawlus P., Reizer R. (2023). Profilometric measurement of low wear: A review. Wear 532-533, 205102, 2023.
- Pawlus P., Reizer R. (2023). Profilometric measurements of wear scars: A review. Wear 534-535, 205150, 2023.
- Pawlus P., Reizer R., Królczyk G.M. (2023). Modelling and prediction of surface textures after abrasive machining processes: A review. Measurement 220, 113337, 2023.
- Çeçen S., Elgörmüş Y., Depciuch J., Cebulski J., Guleken Z., (2024), Analyzing the blood compositions of different stages of obesity disease using a linear-regression model between FT-Raman spectroscopy and BMI data, Measurement, 228, 114384
- Pawlus P., Reizer R., Wieczorowski M., Królczyk G. (2024) Sensitivities of surface texture parameters to measurement errors – A review. Measurement vol. 227, 114323. 2024
- Depciuch J., Jakubczyk P., Jakubczyk D., Klebowski B., Miszczyk J., Parlinska-Wojtan M., (2024), Modeling Absorption Dynamics of Differently Shaped Gold Glioblastoma and Colon Cells Based on Refractive Index Distribution in Holotomographic Imaging, Small, 2400778
- Gałkowska D., Pycia K., Kapuśniak K., Juszczak L., 2023, Zanieczyszczenia Żywności- charakterystyka i regulacje prawne. Części I – toksyny roślinne. Żywność. Nauka. Technologia. Jakość, 30, 4, (137), 245-263
- Witczak T., Pycia K., Wikiera A., Witczak M., 2023, Wykresy fazowe hydrolizatów o różnym stopniu depolimeryzacji otrzymanych na bazie skrobi modyfikowanych chemicznie. Żywność. Nauka. Technologia. Jakość, 30, 4 (137), 264-287
- Szemela K., Rdzanek W.P., Pawelczyk M., Cheng L., (2024), Efficient method for calculating sound radiation from a circular source in an infinite baffle, Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol. 588, 118515
Publikacje 140 punktów/ Publications 140 points
- Olbrycht, M., Kołodziej, M., Bochenek, R., Przywara M., Balawejder M., Matłok N., Antos P., Piątkowski W., Antos D. (2020) Mechanism of nutrition activity of a microgranule fertilizer fortified with proteins. BMC Plant Biol 20, 126
- Pieńkowska N, Bartosz G, Pichla M, Grzesik-Pietrasiewicz M, Gruchala M, Sadowska-Bartosz I. (2020) Effect of antioxidants on the H2O2-induced premature senescence of human fibroblasts. Aging (Albany NY) 12(2), 1910-1927
- Wesołowski M., Gronkowski P., Tralle I. (2020) Selected mechanisms of matter ejection out of the cometary nuclei. Icarus 338, 113546
- Galazutdinov G., Bondar A., Byeong-Cheol Lee, Hakalla R., Szajna W., Krełowski J. (2020) Survey of very broad Diffuse Interstellar Bands. The Astronomical Journal 159 (3), 113
- Koziorowska A., Depciuch J., Koziol K., Nowak S., Lach K. (2020) In vitro study of effects of ELF-EMF on testicular tissues of roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) - FTIR and FT-Raman spectroscopic investigation. Animal Reproduction Science 213, 106258
- Kozlik P., Zuk J., Bartyzel S., Zarychta J., Okon K., Zaręba L., Bazan J. G., Kosalka J., Soja J., Musial J., Bazan-Socha S. (2020) The relationship of airway structural changes to blood and bronchoalveolar lavage biomarkers, and lung function abnormalities in asthma. Clinical and Experimental Allergy 50 (1), 15-28
- Lewinska A., Adamczyk-Grochala J., Bloniarz D., Olszowka J., Kulpa-Greszta M., Litwinienko G., Tomaszewska A., Wnuk M., Pazik R. (2020) AMPK-mediated senolytic and senostatic activity of quercetin Surface functionalized Fe3O4 nanoparticles during oxidant-induced senescence in human fi Redox Biology 28, 101337
- Kowalik P., Mikulski J., Borodziuk A., Duda M., Kamińska I., Zajdel K., Rybusinski J., Szczytko J., Wojciechowski T., Sobczak K., Minikayev R., Kulpa-Greszta M., Pazik R., Grzaczkowska P., Fronc K., Lapinski M., Frontczak-Baniewicz M., Sikora B. (2020) Yttrium-Doped Iron Oxide Nanoparticles for Magnetic Hyperthermia Applications. Journal of Physical Chemistry C 124, 6871-6883
- Węgrzyn E., Leniowski K. (2020) Middle Spotted Woodpecker territory owners distinguish between stranger and familiar floaters based on their vocal characteristics. European Zoological Journal 87, 58-72
- Satora L., Mytych J., Bilska-Kos A., Kozioł K. (2020) Chemoreceptors as a key to understanding carcinogenesis process. Seminars in Cancer Biology 60, 362-364
- Mytych J., Solek P., Będzińska A., Rusinek K., Warzybok A., Tabęcka-Łonczyńska A., Koziorowski M. (2020) Towards Age-Related Anti-Inflammatory Therapy: Klotho Suppresses Activation of ER and Golgi Stress Response in Senescent Monocytes. Cells 9, 261
- Knapczyk-Stwora K., Costa M.C., Gabriel A., Grzesiak M., Hubalewska-Mazgaj M., Witek P., Koziorowski M., Slomczynska M. (2020) A transcriptome approach evaluating effects of neonatal androgen and anti-androgen treatments on regulation of luteal function in sexually mature pigs. Animal Reproduction Science 212, 106252
- Kozioł K., Broda D., Romerowicz-Misielak M., Nowak S. Koziorowski M. (2020) Melatonin concentration in peripheral blood and melatonin receptors (MT1 and MT2) in the testis and epididymis of male roe deer during active spermatogenesis. Theriogenology 149, 25-37
- Kaczynski P., Bauersachs S., Baryla M., Goryszewska E., Muszak J., Grzegorzewski W.J., Waclawik A. (2020) Estradiol-17β-induced changes in the porcine endometrial transcriptome in vivo. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 21 (3), 890
- Szpyrka E., Słowik-Borowiec M., Książek P., Zwolak A., Podbielska M. (2020) The difference in dissipation of clomazone and metazachlor in soil under field and laboratory conditions and their uptake by plants. Scientific Reports 28;10(1), 3747
- Kavetsky T., Smutok O., Demkiv O., Maťko I., Švajdlenková H., Šauša O., Novák I., Bereke D., Čechová K., Pecz M., Nykolaishyn-Dytso O., Wojnarowska-Nowak R., Broda D., Gonchar M., Zgardzińska B. (2020) Microporous carbon fibers as electroconductive immobilization matrixes: Effect of their structure on operational parameters of laccase-based amperometric biosensor. Materials Science and Engineering C 109, 110570
- Szczepko K., Kruk A., Wiśniowski B. (2020) Local habitat conditions shaping the assemblages of vespid wasps (Hymenoptera: Vespidae) in a post-agricultural landscape of the Kampinos National Park in Poland. Sci Rep 10, 1424
- Głąb T., Żabiński A., Sadowska U., Gondek K., Kopeć M., Mierzwa-Hersztek M., Tabor S., Stanek-Tarkowska J. (2020) Fertilization effects of compost produced from maize, sewage sludge and biochar on soil water retention and chemical properties. Soil & Tillage Research 197,104493
- Leniowski R., Leniowska L. (2020) The multi-segment controller of a flexible arm. International Symposium on Robotics
- Matłok N., Gorzelany J., Piechowiak T., Balawejder M. (2020) Influence of Drying Temperature on the Content of Bioactive Compounds in Scots Pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) Shoots as Well as Yield and Composition of Essential Oils. Acta Universitatis Cibiniensis Series E: FOOD TECHNOLOGY Vol. XXIV (2020), no. 1, 15-24.
- Belcar J., Matłok N, Gorzelany J. (2020) Technological Assessment of Winter Cultivar of Common Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and Winter Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) for Pale Malt Production. Acta Universitatis Cibiniensis Series E: FOOD TECHNOLOGY XXIV, 1, 89-98.
- Zhang Feng-Xia, Rak E., Bazan Jan G. (2020) On the distributivity of continuous triangular norms and triangular conorms with respect to 2-uninorms, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 395, 168-177,
- Brydun V., Zarichnyi M. (2020) Spaces of max-min measures on compact Hausdorff spaces, (2020) Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 396, 1, 138-151,
- Piechowiak T., Grzelak-Błaszczyk K., Sójka M., Balawejder M. (2020) Changes in phenolic compounds profile and glutathione status in raspberry fruit during storage in ozone-enriched atmosphere, Postharvest Biology and Technology, 2020, Vol. 168, 111277
- Tomczyk M., Zaguła G., Puchalski C., Dżugan M., Transfer of Some Toxic Metals from Soil to Honey Depending on Bee Habitat Conditions, Acta Universitatis Cibiniensis - Series E: Food Technology, 24
- Pązik R., Lewińska A., Adamczyk-Grochala J., Kulpa-Greszta M., Kłoda P., Tomaszewska A., Dziedzic A., Litwinienko G., Noga M., Sikora D., Wnuk M. (2020) Energy Conversion and Biocompatibility of Surface Functionalized Magnetite Nanoparticles with Phosphonic Moieties, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 124, 4931-4948
- Kulpa-Greszta M., Pązik R., Kłoda P., Tomaszewska A., Zachanowicz E., Pałka, K., Ginalska G., Belcarz A. (2021) Efficient non-contact heat generation on flexible, ternary hydroxyapatite/curdlan/nanomagnetite hybrids for temperature controlled processes. Materials Science and Engineering C 118, 111360
- Mołoń M., Molestak E., Kula-Maximenko M., Grela P., Tchórzewski M. (2020) Ribosomal Protein uL11 as a Regulator of Metabolic Circuits Related to Aging and Cell Cycle. Cells 9(7), 1745
- Kozioł, K., Zebrowski, J., Betlej, G. et al. (2020) Changes in γH2AX and H4K16ac levels are involved in the biochemical response to a competitive soccer match in adolescent players. Sci Rep, 10, 14481
- Bednarek P.T., Zebrowski J., Orłowska R. (2020) Exploring the Biochemical Origin of DNA Sequence Variation in Barley Plants Regenerated via in Vitro Anther Culture. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 21,5770
- Knapczyk-Stwora K., Nynca A., Ciereszko R.E., Paukszto Ł., Jastrzębski J.P., Czaja E., Witek P., Koziorowski M., Slomczynska M. (2020) Transcriptomic profiles of the ovaries from piglets neonatally exposed to 4-tert-octylphenol. Theriogenology 153, 102-111
- Rusinek K., Solek P., Tabecka-Lonczynska A., Koziorowski M., Mytych J. (2020) Focus on the Role of Klotho Protein in Neuro- Immune Interactions in HT-22 Cells Upon LPS Stimulation. Cells 9, 1231
- Adamczyk-Grochala J, Wnuk M, Duda M, Zuczek J, Lewinska A. (2020) Treatment with Modified Extracts of the Microalga Planktochlorella nurekis Attenuates the Development of Stress-Induced Senescence in Human Skin Cells. Nutrients. 6;12(4):1005
- Lewinska A, Adamczyk-Grochala J, Bloniarz D, Horeczy B, Zurek S, Kurowicki A, Woloszczuk-Gebicka B, Widenka K, Wnuk M. (2020) Remifentanil preconditioning protects against hypoxia-induced senescence and necroptosis in human cardiac myocytes in vitro. Aging (Albany NY),12(14)
- Combrzyński M., Matwijczuk A, Wójtowicz A., Oniszczuk T., Karcz D., Szponar J., Niemczynowicz A., Bober D., Mitrus M., Kupryaniuk K., Stasiak M., Dobrzański B., Oniszczuk A. (2020) Potato Starch Utilization in Ecological Loose-Fill Packaging Materials-Sustainability and Characterization, Materials 19;13(6):1390
- Rzeszutek I, Maurer-Alcalá XX, Nowacki M. (2020) Programmed genome rearrangements in ciliates. Cell Mol Life Sci. Online
- Rzeszutek I., Singh A. (2020) Small RNAs, Big Diseases, Int. J. Mol. Sci. 21(16), 5699
- Król A., Rząsa W., Grochowalski P. (2020) Aggregation of Fuzzy Equivalences in Data Exploration by kNN Classifier, IEEE WCCI 2020, Glasgow, Scotland, UK, 19-24 July 2020
- Drygaś P., Król A., Baczyński M, Pusz P. (2020) Developing Idea of Ordinal Sum of Fuzzy Implications, IEEE WCCI 2020, Glasgow, Scotland, UK, 19-24 July 2020
- Pękala B., Mrukowicz M., Bazan J.G., Rak E., Kosior D. (2020) Application of similarity measures with uncertainty in classification methods, IEEE Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FuzzIEEE), Glasgow, Scotland, UK, 19-24 July 2020
- Pękala B., Rak E., Kwiatkowski B., Szczur A., Rak R. (2020) The use of concave and convex functions to optimize the feed-rate of numerically controlled machine tools, IEEE Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FuzzIEEE). Glasgow, Scotland, UK, 19-24 July 2020
- Bazan J.G., Drygaś P., Zaręba L., Molenda P. (2020) A new method of building a more effective ensemble classifiers, IEEE Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FuzzIEEE). Glasgow, Scotland, UK, 19-24 July 2020
- Bentkowska U., Bazan J.G., Mrukowicz M., Zaręba L., Molenda P. (2020) Multi-class classification problems for the k-NN algorithm in the case of missing values, IEEE Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FuzzIEEE). Glasgow, Scotland, UK, 19-24 July 2020
- Pękala B., Bentkowska U., Szkoła J., Rząsa W., Kosior D., Fernandez J., Miguel L.De, Bustince H. (2020) General local properties of fuzzy relations andfuzzy multisets used to an algorithm for group decision making, IEEE Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FuzzIEEE). Glasgow, Scotland, UK, 19-24 July 2020
- Drygaś P., Pękala B., Balicki K., Kosior D. (2020) Influence of new interval-valued pre-aggregation function on medical decision making, IEEE Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FuzzIEEE). Glasgow, Scotland, UK, 19-24 July 2020
- Dyczkowski K., Pękala B., Baczyński M., Szkoła J., Piłkas T. (2020) The ordering methods of interval-valued fuzzycardinal numbers with application in an uncertaindecision making, IEEE Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FuzzIEEE). Glasgow, Scotland, UK, 19-24 July 2020
- Rak E., Bazan J.G., Szczur A., Rząsa W. (2020) The distributivity law as a tool of k-NN classifiers' aggregation: mining a cyber-attack data set, IEEE Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FuzzIEEE). Glasgow, Scotland, UK, 19-24 July 2020
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