Guidelines for Abstract Submission


Abstract submition link:

Guidelines for Submission


Please fill free to use all (one) page space of the format A4 with 2 cm margins on all sides, except right (1,5 cm). The title must be written in capital letters, bold, centralized, font Times New Roman 12.  


Name, surmane, autor’s affiliations and email of the corresponding author must be written as indicated in example (the name of a presenting author must be underlined).  

Text should be 1,15 lines spaced with font Times New Roman 12.  

Abstract has do not contain figures or tables.  

Short acknowledgement and up to 3 references are acceptable.  

In case of multiple abstract submission, please provide abstracts on separate pages of the same file.  


Abstract topic – abstracts must be allocated to a specific topic for the Scientific Programme. Please choose from the list of topics.  

Abstracts must be received by the announced deadline. Abstracts received after the deadline will not be considered.  

The presenting author is required to ensure that all co-authors are aware of the content of the abstract before submission of his/her abstract.  


Abstract submission  

Please note: One person can submit up to 2 abstracts


The Scientific Committee will be responsible for acceptance as an oral or poster presentation or rejection of the submitted abstracts.

Conference speakers will be invited by the Scientific Committee.


Only abstracts of authors who have paid their registration fees will be scheduled to be included in the Conference materials.


Rules for submission


All abstracts should be submitted and presented in English with accurate grammar and spelling which are suitable for publication.


Only abstracts of authors who have paid their registration fees by April 30, 2024 will be scheduled for presentation.


The poster display area is equivalent to A0 format (ISO 216):

    in millimeters: 1189 mm (height) × 841 mm (width);

    in inches: 33,11" x 46,81"

Abstract template




Name Surname1, Name Surname 2, Name Surname 2, Name Surname 2, Name Surname 1

1Name of Department, Name of University, Address, Country;

2 Name of Institute, Name of Academy of Science, Address, Country

Email address: 


Riboflavin is the essential vitamin for human nutrition and animal feeding being the precursor of two coenzymes: riboflavin-5’-phosphate (flavin mononucleotide, FMN) and flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD). The flavin coenzymes are involved in a wide range of biochemical processes, particularly in mitochondrial electron transport, photosynthesis, fatty acid oxidation, metabolism of vitamins, B6, B9 (folates) and B12. The aim of this work was optimization of fed-batch fermentation conditions for maximal accumulation of riboflavin by Candida famata AF-4/2xSEF1/IMH3/RIB1/RIB7 (RF-3) riboflavin overproducer (Dmytruk et al., 2011). The two-level Plackett-Burman design was performed to screen for medium components that significantly influence the riboflavin production…  


Dmytruk K.V. et al. Metabol. Eng. 2011, 13(1):82-88.  

Best Poster Awards

The Best Poster Awards will be given for the best four poster presentations, with the particular focus on scientific rigour, contribution to the field, relevance to the conference theme and overall presentation. Poster winners  will be announced publically at the end of the poster session. The winners will recceive a certificate and award. 1st award: yearly membership of American Society for Microbiology. Other 3 winners will receive a scientiffic book. Additionally, scientists from Ukrainne will be able to get an additional award.
