
SRPC-ID: SRPC13-6-2023  | Published online: 12-12-2023 |  ORIGINAL ARTICLE

Causes and psychophysical consequences of shoulder pain in adolescents training strength sports on the example of the Extreme Fitness club Mielec

Południak Natalia1ABCDEF, Pelic Paulina1ABCDEF, Rykiel Zuzanna1ABCDEF, Dąbek Emilia1ABCDEF, Wrońska Wiktoria 2ABCDEF, Rejman Aneta1ABCDEF

Authors’ Contribution: A - Study Design; B - Data collection; C - Statistical analysis; D - Data interpretation; E - Manuscript Preparation; F - Literature search; G -Funds Collection

Authors' affiliation:
1University of Rzeszow, College of Medical Sciences, Institute of Physical Culture Sciences.
2University of Rzeszow, College of Medical Sciences, Institute of Medical Sciences.
"Know - How Sport" Research Group of Law and Economics in Sport, University of Rzeszów

Pages: 54-62

Cite this article: Południak N, Pelic P., Rykiel Z. et al. (2023) Causes and psychophysical consequences of shoulder pain in adolescents training strength sports on the example of the Extreme Fitness club Mielec. Scientific Review of Physical Culture; 13, p.54-62.


Background and purpose: The shoulder joint is a part of the shoulder girdle and functions as flexion, extension, abduction, outward rotation, inward rotation and upper limb circumference.

The aim of the study was to determine the causes and psychophysical consequences of shoulder pain in adolescents training various types of strength sports on the example of the "Extreme Fitness Mielec" gym.

Material and methods: People (n = 54) aged 13-23 who experienced pain or had an injury or shoulder injury participated in the survey. The group of respondents included 41 men and 13 women. An anonymous Internet questionnaire was used as a research tool.

Results: According to the data, 33% of respondents warm up before training for up to 5 minutes, 39% for 5 to 10 minutes, 17% for over 15 minutes. The remaining people, which constitute 11% of all respondents, do not warm up. The analysis showed that 87% of respondents believe that their exercise technique is correct, while the remaining 13% deny it.

Conclusions: Correct performance of strength exercises in combination with the appropriate technique reduces the likelihood of shoulder pain, while the use of warm-up before training and performing stretching exercises allows training people to avoid pain in the shoulder girdle. Additionally, if at the right moment a training person, who is overloaded with a shoulder injury, does not react in an appropriate way, does not consult a specialist, it may end up with interrupting the training for a longer period of time.

Keywords: strength sports, shoulder girdle, shoulder pain, warm-up