
SRPC-ID: SRPC13-4-2023  | Published online: 2-08-2023 |  ORIGINAL ARTICLE

Opportunities for the development of sustainable tourism in Sandomierz and the surrounding area in the opinion of residents

Madej Aleksandra1ABCDEFG

Authors’ Contribution: A - Study Design; B - Data collection; C - Statistical analysis; D - Data interpretation; E - Manuscript Preparation; F - Literature search; G -Funds Collection

Authors' affiliation:
1University of Rzeszow, College of Medical Sciences, Institute of Physical Culture Sciences. Student Research Club of Travelers.

Pages: 31-44

Cite this article: Madej A. (2023) Opportunities for the development of sustainable tourism in Sandomierz and the surrounding area in the opinion of residents. Scientific Review of Physical Culture; 13, p.31-44.


Introduction: Too intensively tourist traffic in areas which are rich in nature and culture values may be associates with environmental degradation. To keep the environment safe and unpolluted, people need to implement environmentally friendly activities. Thanks to development of sustainable tourism there is a chance for maintenance of unique natural values and raise the standard of living the residents of attractive tourist destinations. There is no doubt that Sandomierz region has potential for development of sustainable tourism.
The aim of the study: The main aim of the study was researching the opinions of residents of Sandomierz region, which allowed to determine whether there are opportunities for the development of sustainable tourism in Sandomierz region.
Material and method: The research was conducted in July 2021, using the diagnostic survey method with the use of a questionnaire. The survey was conducted among 101 adult residents in the Sandomierz.
Research results: The majority of respondents have knowledge in the field of sustainable tourism and they believe that the region of Sanodmierz and surrounding area has predisposition to develop nature-friendly tourism. The biggest attraction of Sanodmierz region are the natural values, as well as local and cultural events.
Conclusion: Sandomierz region is an area of great tourist value, due to its natural attractiveness, landscapes and vineyards, which makes it possible to develop sustainable tourism. Despite the unique natural and cultural values, the infrastructure and tourism management are poorly developed, which should be changed by expanding the agritourism offer that favours sustainable tourism.

Keywords: sustainable tourism, ecotourism, Sandomierz