
SRPC-ID: SRPC13-3-2023  | Published online: 2-08-2023 |  ORIGINAL ARTICLE

Evaluation of physical fitness and the occurrence of delayed myalgia syndrome in relation to the use of wellness treatments among football players

Siryk Tomasz1ABCDEFG  | Madej Aleksandra1ABCDEFG

Authors’ Contribution: A - Study Design; B - Data collection; C - Statistical analysis; D - Data interpretation; E - Manuscript Preparation; F - Literature search; G -Funds Collection

Authors' affiliation:
1University of Rzeszow, College of Medical Sciences, Institute of Physical Culture Sciences. Student Research Club of Travelers.

Pages: 20-30

Cite this article: Siryk T., Madej A. (2023) Evaluation of physical fitness and the occurrence of delayed myalgia syndrome in relation to the use of wellness treatments among football players. Scientific Review of Physical Culture; 13, p.20-30.


Introduction: Achieving top performance in sport is possible by maximising the factors influencing success. With the development of sport, motor preparation starts to play a decisive role. Monitoring the state of health and psychophysical capabilities of athletes helps to achieve success. In order to positively influence the regeneration of the organism after exertion, athletes use biological regeneration treatments.
The aim of the study: The aim of this study was to evaluate physical fitness and the occurrence of delayed myalgia syndrome in relation to the use of wellness treatments among football players.
Material and method: The research was carried out in the form of a questionnaire, as well as double testing of selected components of physical fitness.
Research results: Respondents using wellness treatments experienced less muscle soreness. There was no correlation between the use of wellness treatments and psychophysical condition. In the conducted fitness tests better results were achieved by the control group, a greater progress was noted among the players using wellness treatments.
Conclusion: The results obtained suggest that the use of wellness treatments may accelerate the recovery process in athletes. It is difficult to determine the effect of treatments on the psychophysical state of athletes.

Keywords: football, biological regeneration, health