
SRPC-ID: SRPC13-1-2023  | Published online: 4-07-2023 |  ORIGINAL ARTICLE

Tourism potential of the Frysztak commune and its use in the opinion of the inhabitants

Weronika Obrzut1ABCDEF

Authors’ Contribution: A - Study Design; B - Data collection; C - Statistical analysis; D - Data interpretation; E - Manuscript Preparation; F - Literature search; G -Funds Collection

Authors' affiliation:
1University of Rzeszow, College of Medical Sciences, Institute of Physical Culture Sciences. Student Research Club of Travelers.

Pages: 4-11

Cite this article: Obrzut W. (2023) Tourist traffic in palce and castle facilities in Podkarpackie Voivodeship. Scientific Review of Physical Culture 13, p.4-11.


This paper discusses issues related to the tourism potential of the Frysztak commune and its use in the opinion of residents. Definitions of potential according to Polish and foreign authors were presented. Precise characteristics of the studied commune were also made. The aim of the research was to get to know the opinions of residents about the tourism potential of the Frysztak commune and the possibilities of its use. The study was conducted on a group of 200 people. The respondents were residents of the Frysztak commune. The survey technique was used to carry out the research, which is a component of the survey research. The analysis consisted of 21 closed, open-ended and multiple choice questions. The paper used the desk research method, another method was field research, moreover, the inventory method was used. The results showed, a.o. to what extent the inhabitants of the Frysztak commune know the natural and cultural attractions, what they think is worth creating in the commune, what promotional activities should be undertaken, and showed whether the commune has a large tourism potential.

Keywords: tourism potential, attractions, Frysztak commune