mgr Monika Krupa-Potoczny


ORCID: 0000-0002-5648-0424

The topic of my dissertation is: „The Impact of the Closure of a Small Rural School in the Social and Political Area”

The existence of small rural schools (primary schools) is now a problem, not only for scientists, but also for many politicians. Rural schools are often uneconomical by today’s educational standards and bring more costs than returns. This approach forces local authorities to close unprofitable schools and transfer students and teachers to other educational institutions, and the building itself often remains empty. Unfortunately, according to many empirical data, the deprivation of rural children and young people from accessing a school close to them causes not only educational but also social life – the village begins to devastate or decay. This sociological process is very complex and requires further pedagogical and social research.

This process is the focus of my scientific interest, so during my PhD I will conduct qualitative and quantitative studies to learn more about this topic.

As a theoretical and cognitive objective of research, I consider the diagnosis of the effects of the closure of small rural schools. On the other hand, the practical and implementation objective is to draw up conclusions and postulates aimed at scientists, educational institutions and municipal institutions interested in this topic. The pedagogical demands will include a planned alternative to prevent the closure of primary schools in rural areas.

The results of the research will have a significant impact on the development of science and education in the wider sense. Rural schools are a cornerstone of the development of educational, cultural and social life in rural areas. In addition, the development of educational facilities will lead to “return migration”, i. e. the return of young people and their families to rural areas. With the development of the school, commerce (the emergence of shops) and a variety of services should grow. The restoration of the rural education system represents an authentic restoration of the “viability” of rural regions in Poland.



  1. Wartości w komunikacji interpersonalnej wśród młodych ludzi [w]: „Rola wartości etycznych w dzisiejszym świecie”, pod. red.: I. Dudzik, B. Czuba, K. Rejman, wyd. Państwowa Wyższa Szkoła Techniczno – Ekonomiczna w Jarosławiu, Jarosław 2017, s. 95-104; ISBN: 978-83-65823-06-9 (wspólnie z : Inglot-Kulas J., Czernisz M., Kumka K.)