Publishing Office

ul. prof. S. Pigonia 6
35-310 Rzeszów
tel. 17 872 14 37 (sekretariat)
tel./fax 17 872 14 26
tel. 17 872 13 69 (kolportaż)


The Publishing House has its history as long as our university. It was founded in 1965 as a general unit for the Higher Pedagogical School in Rzeszów. Since then it has been serving the academic community with professional publishing of scientific and didactic works as well as various occasional publications. The authors are both scientific staff of our university and scientists from other academic centers in our country and abroad. These publications cover basic academic fields and interdisciplinary issues. The most important ones of those are monographs, habilitation dissertations and handbooks. Also journals are published presenting the results of the newest research from particular scientific fields, like “Zeszyty Naukowe UR” (Scientific Journals of UR), “Polityka i Społeczeństwo” (Politics and Society), “Przegląd Medyczny UR i NIL w Warszawie” (Medical Review of UR and NIL in Warsaw), “Przegląd Naukowy Kultury Fizycznej UR” (Scientific Review of Physical Culture of UR), “Limes. Studia i materiały z dziejów Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej” (Limes. Studies and materials from the history of central-eastern Europe), „Sacrum et Decorum. Materiały i studia z historii sztuki sakralnej” (Sacrum et Decorum. Materials and studies from the history of sacral art), „ΣΟΦΙΑ. Pismo filozofów krajów słowiańskich” (ΣΟΦΙΑ. Journal of Philosophers of Slavic countries), „Nierówności Społeczne a Wzrost Gospodarczy” (Social Inequalities and Economic Rise), „Anabasis. Studia Classica et Orientalia”, „Słowo. Studia językoznawcze” (Word. Linguistic studies), „Moderato. Przegląd muzyczny Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego” (Moderato. Musical review of the University of Rzeszow), „Przedsiębiorstwo i Region” (Enterprise and Region), „Dydaktyka Informatyki” (Didactics of Information Technology) as well as series Galicja i jej dziedzictwo (Galicia and its heritage), Istorija i sowriemiennost’ w russkoj litieraturie, Musica Galiciana, Polska i jej wschodni sąsiedzi (Poland and its eastern neighbours), Rusistika i sowriemiennost’, Wielokulturowe środowisko historyczne Lwowa w XIX i XX w. (Multicultural historical environment of Lvov in 19th and 20th centuries), Z Archiwum Pisarza (From the Writer’s Archive) or Prace Naukowe Wydziału Ekonomii Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego (Scientific Works of the Faculty of Economics of the University of Rzeszow), series: Monografie i Opracowania (Monographs and Elaboraations).


Efficient and versatile editorial and polygraph activity is possible thanks to experienced employees of the Editorial Staff and Printing House. The core of our university press is the Editorial Staff employing four editors including one technical editor. Our publications are printed and bound in the UR Printing House.


In 1998 the UR Publishing House joined the Association of Publishers of Schools of Higher Education which organizes exhibitions of academic publishers. Thanks to this our publications have already reached various university centers abroad, e.g., the Library of the University named by T. Szewczenko in Lvov (1999), the Library of the Vilnius University (2000), the collections of the Polish Institute and the Main Library of the Czech Academy of Sciences in Prague (2001), the Libraries of the Kiev – Mohylan University and Academy in Kiev (2002), the Papal University Urbanianum in Vatican (2007), the Scientific Station of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Vienna (2008), the Complutense University in Madrid (2009), Polish Center in London – the former seat of Polish government in exile (2010) – and the Scientific Station of Polish Academy of Sciences in Paris (2011). They are also in collections of university libraries in Stockholm, Madrid, Petersburg, Dnepropetrovsk, Czernovce.       


The high level of printed books is confirmed by granted subsidies and their high editorial value is recognized. Books awarded in recent year are, among others, exquisite in the content and editorial respect monograph entitled Rozpacz i próby jej przezwyciężenia w poezji porozbiorowej (1793–1806) (Despair and attempts of overcoming it in post-dividsion poetry (1793-1806) by Marek Nalepa awarded by the Silesia Library in 2004, Aleksander Wielki i świat irański (Alexander the Great and the Iranian world) by Marek J. Olbrycht – the Best Academic Book „Atena 2005”, Edukacja zdrowotna – systemowa analiza zagadnień (Health education – systemic analysis of problems) by Czesław Lewicki – 1st place at the 10th Book Trade Fair in Cracow in the Contest for the Best Academic Handbook and Script 2006 and Ekologia i ochrona środowiska (Ecology and environment protection) edited by Zygmunt Wnuk – Gaudeamus Award in the Contest for the Best Academic Handbook and Script 2011given at the 15th Book Trade Fair in Cracow. Nominated for awards were also, among others, Chemia fizyczna dla biologów (Physical chemistry for biologists) by Grzegorz Bartosz (11th Poznan Days of Sceintific Book 2007, 11th Book Trade Fair in Cracow 2007), Złota księga historiografii lwowskiej XIX i XX wieku (Golden book of Lvov historiography of 19th and 20th century) edited by Jerzego Maternicki and Leonid Zaszkilniaka (1st Domestic Trade Fair of Scientific and Academic Book “Academia” in Warsaw 2001), two-volume Poezja polska na obczyźnie (Polish poetry abroad) edited by Zbigniew Andres and Jan Wolski, Ewolucyjna psychologia umysłu (Evolution psychology of mind) by Andrzej Łukasik (12th Book Trade Fair in Cracow 2008), and Gramatyka angielska i niemiecka w opisie równoległym (English and German grammar in parallel description) by Zygmunt Tęczy  received a distinction at the 14th Book Trade Fair in Cracow (4–7.11.2010). A great achievement of 2008 was publishing the record number of 120 publications with the volume of 1800 printing sheets and the complete number of 34 168 copies, which places the UR Printing House among the best university presses in the country. Thanks to the purchase of digital print in 2011 we published 145 titles in the number of 35 000 copies and volume of 1800 printing sheets (including 135 planned publications and 10 ordered works). 52 titles were printed with the use of digital technology.  


Our publications can be purchased in Rzeszow in the seat of the UR Publishing House (ul. Prof. S.Pigonia 6, the building of the Department of Obstetrics and Medial Lifesaving, 1st floor, room 112), in the “Krzyś” shop in the main building of the Rectorate (al. Rejtana 16C), in the following bookshops, “Iuris Prudentia”, ul. Jana III Sobieskiego 2D/2 (legal sciences), Libra” ul. Jagiellońska 14 (selected titles) and in shops in University Buildings – at the Philological Faculty, al. Rejtana 16B (foreign philologies), in the Music Department  ul. Dąbrowskiego 83 (art sciences), at the Mathematical-Natural Faculty al. Rejtana 16A (technical sciences, mathematics) as well as in selected bookstores all over the country (their addresses can be found in the “Catalogue” and on the website). We take orders via phone, post, fax, email and online ( The website contains full information about our offer. The Bookstore “Lexicon” Maciej Woliński, Export of Polish Science Books (ul. M. Sengera „Cichego” 24 m. 2A, 02-790 Warszawa, Polska, tel./fax 48 22 648 41 23, e-mail: is responsible for the distribution of our books abroad.