Academic Ombudsperson

The academic Ombudsperson acts for the benefit of the entire community of the University of Rzeszów. Everyone – persons working, studying, pursuing doctoral studies or studying at the university high school, representatives of the organizational units and the student and doctoral unions  – ​​can turn to the Ombudsperson for support, advice or conversation. The two most important tasks of the Ombudsperson are to support all people from the university community in the amicable resolution of conflicts, disputes and tensions and to promote high ethical standards in academic life.


When to contact the Academic Ombudsperson?

  • you need to be heard or get advice about academic life,
  • you have a problem concerning your work or studies and do not know who to turn to,
  • you feel that you see a problem - concerning you personally, the unit where you work or study or the university as a whole - and you want to talk to someone about it to find a solution,
  • you are involved in a dispute or conflict situation,
  • you need help in resolving a difficult matter that you cannot handle yourself,
  • you believe that you have been wronged, treated unfairly or discriminated against,
  • you are looking for a facilitator or mediator.


Members of the university community can talk to the Ombudsperson about any matter concerning academic life, the functioning of the university, work or studies at UR without having to take further action. Whether further steps will be taken and what they will consist of can be decided jointly during the conversation with the Ombudsperson.


The academic Ombudsperson:

  • listen to people who come to him, help to precisely define the problem and find its solution,
  • help to resolve disputes and conflicts in an amicable manner,
  • recommend mediation and help to initiate it,
  • provide information on possible ways of resolving problems,
  • promote knowledge of academic rights and values, monitor their violations,
  • participate in the creation of documents and solutions aimed at promoting academic rights and values ​​and high ethical standards.


The academic Ombudsperson does NOT:

  • take action in cases reported anonymously,
  • provide legal or psychological counselling,
  • issue binding opinions or decisions,
  • act as a representative of the injured party,
  • participate in formal or disciplinary investigations other than as an observer.


IOA logo


Principles of the Academic Ombudsperson


The Academic Ombudsperson of the University of Rzeszów operates on the basis of four principles of the International Ombuds Association (IOA):

  • independence – makes decisions only in his own name, decides whether and how to deal with the reported problem, acts independently of other university institutions;
  • impartiality – the Ombudsperson’s actions are neutral, he works for a positive resolution to the problem and fairness of the case, but does not represent any of the parties to the dispute, is an advocate for academic values ​​and rights, not specific people or institutions;
  • informality – the Ombudsperson does not conduct official proceedings, does not participate in making administrative or disciplinary decisions, only conducts informal explanatory activities and strives to resolve disputes amicably,
  • confidentiality – the identity of people reporting to the Ombudsperson and the information they provide remain confidential and are not disclosed to third parties. An exception to this principle is a situation where someone's safety is at risk or situations required by law.

You can read about the standards of practice of Ombudsperson and the IOA code of ethics, which define these four principles, in English. English on the IOA website.


More on academic Ombudsperson’s work: [Academic Ombudsperson].



Before dealing with a reported case, the academic Ombudsperson invites the reporting person to a meeting and conversation. You can make an appointment with through the Office for Equal Treatment. The Ombudsperson is available at room 101, building A2, 1st floor (al. Kopisto 2a).