Information after arrival
ECHE - 101009165
Erasmus code - PL RZESZOW02
PIC - 984448830, OID - E10171468
Information for incoming students – after arrival to the University of Rzeszów
- Changes to study programme
If you want to study courses other than those included in LA before the mobility (also courses from other colleges UR), you must tell about it your UR Departmental Coordinator at the first meeting.
After the coordinator's approval, you must prepare LEARNING AGREEMENT - during the mobility, add courses and/or remove in relations to LA before the mobility. LA during the mobility must be prepared within 1 month from the beginning of the semester. You must bring the document signed by you, UR departmental coordinator and your University to the Erasmus+ office IRO (UR, Rejtana str. 16C, build. A1, room 44, 9.00-14.00).
If you prepared LA before the mobility in the EWP system, you also need to additionally prepare LA during the mobility in this system.
The list of courses taught in English you will find on our web site:
For all academic matter like subjects, ECTS you should ask your UR Departmental Coordinator
- The end of study
When going to the exam, take with you Karta Zaliczeń - Courses at the University of Rzeszów
As soon as you pass all exams you have to:
- go to your UR Departmental Coordinator, who will issue LA after the mobility.
- come to the Erasmus+ office IRO (UR, Rejtana str. 16C, build. A1, room 44, 9.00-14.00) together with:
LA after the mobility
Copy of Karta Zaliczeń - Courses at the UR
Karta obiegowa duly signed and stamped
- If you came only for winter semester and you would like to stay at the University of Rzeszów also for summer semester you should
- ask your home university for sending acceptance letter for extension of your period of study at the University of Rzeszów via e-mail (
- ask the head of your student hostel if there will be a place for you also for second semester
- prepare LEARNING AGREEMENT - during the mobility, which should be signed by Departmental Coordinator.
- Changes to traineeship programme
If, after arrival, you have some changes in comparison to your Learning Agreement before the mobility, you should fill in document called LEARNING AGREEMENT - during the mobillity. Document should be prepared within 1 month from the beginning of your traineeship. You must bring the document signed by you, UR departmental coordinator and your University to the Erasmus+ office IRO (UR, Rejtana str. 16C, build. A1, room 44, 9.00-14.00).
- The end of traineeship
As soon as you finish traineeship you have to:
- tell about it your UR Departmental Coordinator, who will issue LA after the mobility.
- come to the Erasmus+ office IRO (UR, Rejtana str. 16C, build. A1, room 44, 9.00-14.00) together with:
LA after the mobility
Karta obiegowa duly signed and stamped
Medical help
In case of emergency - tel. 112
Monday-Friday - Medical Centre - MEDYK, 53 Rejtana str., 7 a.m. - 8 p.m., tel. +48 17 865 20 02
Weekends, holidays, nights -