
The Erasmus programme is named after Erasmus from Rotterdam, one of the greatest Renaissance humanists. Erasmus from Rotterdam was a Dutch philosopher, philologist, educator and catholic priest. The Erasmus programme was brought to life in 1987 and its aim is to promote and finance international exchange of students and scientists between European Union Universities. In 1995-2006 the Erasmus programme was a part of the SOCRATES programme. In 2007 the Erasmus programme became a part of the Lifelong Learning programme. Since the academic year 2007/2008, Universities taking part in the Erasmus programme have had the opportunity to exchange students (for one semester or one year) and send students for training to firms and institutions in EU countries for a period of time ranging from at least 3 months to one academic year. University staff may go to other partnership Universities for one or two weeks to get acquainted with different methods of scientific research and have some lectures (at least 5 hours a week).

More information is available on the

Students who join the Erasmus Programme are guaranteed that the period spent abroad is recognized by their university when they come back on previously agreed regulations.

The ECTS (European Credit Transfer System) enables converting the amount of student's work after her/his coming back to the home University. Students do not have to pay any university fees and get scholarships financed by the Erasmus to cover increased costs of maintenance. The amount of money depends on the country a student goes to.

The University Coordinator of the Erasmus programme:
Lucyna Kustra MSc
International Relations Office
16 C Rejtana Str., room 26
Tel./fax:017 872 10 71
Tel.: 017 872 10 23

Who is the programme addressed to?

To students that have completed the first year of their study (at the time of enrolment, it is enough to have completed the first semester). A student can benefit from the Erasmus programme only once. Candidates should have good marks (the average of marks above 4.0) and know the foreign language well enough to understand lectures in this language (an appropriate certificate is required).

How long can the scholarship last?

The scholarship can last from 3 months till 1 year, but can not exceed the academic year. It means that if the scholarship starts in the summer semester, it can not be continued in the winter semester of the next academic year.

What should be known?

Students get scholarship and do not have to pay a tuition fee but the scholarship does not cover all maintenance expenses, so students should possess their own money. The scholarship compensates only the difference in maintenance between the home country and the visited country.

What conditions should be fulfilled in order to participate in the Erasmus Programme?

First of all, you must fill in the application form available on the website and hand it to the International Relations Office of the University of Rzeszów (16 C Rejtana Str., Rzeszow). More detailed information about recruitment is available on the website and from the Erasmus programme`s coordinator.

Will the period of studying abroad be recognized in your country?

Studying abroad at the host university is a part of studying at the home university and the home university is obliged to recognize the period spent abroad (including all exams and credits). Having completed overseas studies programme, a student gets a list of all lectures with credits and points according to the grading scale used by the host university and - if it is possible - according to ECTS scale.

What is ECTS?

ECTS (The European Credit Transfer System) was introduced by a decision of European Commission to promote a unified procedure for academic recognition of study periods performed abroad by home universities. ECTS credits are values allocated to certain course units with reference to certain study time cycle. The value involves all aspects of students workload per semester: participation in classes, self-study and passing examinations or other forms of assessment. A certain amount of credits describes a relation between the quantity of work required by each course and the total quantity of work required to complete a full academic year. The system assumes that 60 credits reflect the student's workload during the whole academic year.

The list of Erasmus partner universities:

  1. Cyprus: Nicosia - European University Cyprus
  2. Denmark: Esbjerg, Sonderborg - Business Academy SouthWest.
  3. Denmark: Risskov - VIA University College.
  4. Germany: Bielefeld - University of Applied Sciences Bielefeld.
  5. Portugal: Portalegre - The Polytechnics Institute of Portalegre.
  6. Slovakia: Ruzomberok Catholic University in Ruzomberok
  7. Turkey: Afyon - Afyon Kocatepe University.
  8. Turkey: Ismir - Yasar University.
  9. Turkey: Erzurum - Ataturk University.
  10. Turkey: Sakarya - Sakarya University.
  11. Hungary: Szeged - University of Szeged.
  12. The Czech Republic: Brno - Masarykova Univerzita v Brne
  13. Lithuania: Klajpeda - Klaipeda State Collage
  14. Turkey: Istanbul - Halic University
  15. Turkey: Istanbul - Yeditepe University
  16. Italy: Perugia - Università degli Studi di Perugia

(only the academic teachers departures)

  1. Italy: Roma - Università Degli Studi Roma " La Sapienza"

More information:

International Relations Office:
16 C Rejtana Str., room 26
35-959 Rzeszow
Tel./fax: 017 872 10 71
Tel.: 017 872 10 23