Research and cooperation

Academic and research Activities

Completion of research grant: “Intellectual Capital as the accelerator of the development of information society”, project no  NN 115 40 8840,Ministry of Science and Higher Education, period of completion 4 May 2011 to 3 Nov 2016

Cooperation with local organizations

  • HPR Group (ltd)  SelectOne (cc).
  • Subcarpathian Association of Organization and Management 

International cooperation:

  • Organization of the international workshop within the VEGA project titled “The influence of Business Intelligent application on the financial standing of the enterprises”. The workshop took place on 12 Nov 2014 in Kosice, in the Department of Economics of Enterprise at the University of Economics In Bratislava. The  workshop co-organizer was The Department of Economic Investments and Strategic Management of Rzeszow University.
  • Organization of international workshop “Employees as the accelerator (theory and research outcomes)”. The Seminar was organized on 23 Oct 2012 in the Department of Economic Investments and Stategic Management at Rzeszow University who was the main organizer of the workshop.

International cooperation with academic centres in Slovakia:

  • EKONOMICKA UNIVERZITA (University of Economics) in Bratislava
  • PODNIKOVOHOSPODARSKA FAKULTA (Faculty of Business Administration)  in Košice

The Department cooperates internationally with:

  • University of Econimics in Prague
  • Univesity of Technology in Brno
  • University of Economics In Ostrava

Participation in scientific conferences:

  • II INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE (2nd Announcement) MANAGEMENT 2008. IN TIMES OF GLOBAL CHANGE AND UNCERTAINTY. University of Prešov, Faculty of Management, 2008

International scientific research resulted in the publications of the following monographies:

  • Ekonómia novej ekonomiky v procese globalizácie. Autori: V. Bobáková, J. Ďurčová, E. Farkašová, K. W. Krupa , Bratislava 2008, 235 p. ISBN 83-8078-0637-01-0
  • Ekonómia digitálnej éry. Problematika, Východiská, Aspekty. Poprad 2007,p 288, containing the article „Quality as the element building customers loyalty in a global competition” by prof M.Mizla and P. Pudło

In the following publications, the reviewers are the professors from Slovakia and Czech Republic:

  • K. W. Krupa Aspekty nowej ekonomii społeczeństwa globalnego (koncepcje, system, metody). EKONOMICKÁ FAKULTA, Žilina 2008, Tom I - Prof. Ing. Dr. R. Štefko, PhD, Vol II - Prof. Ing. Š. Majtán, PhD
  • Kazimierz W. KRUPA a kolektív, Ekonómia digitálnej éry. Problematika, Východiská, Aspekty. VYDAVATEĹSTVO: CEZHRANIČNÝ VÝSKUMNÝ ÚSTAV. ECONOMICKÁ FAKULTA, Poprad 2007, Reviewers: Prof. Ing. T. Paulik, CSc., Doc. Ing. J. Sedláček, CSc
  • K. Krupa, Globalizacja a optymalizacja gospodarowania podmiotów ery cyfrowej (selected aspects). Koszyce-Lwów-Łuck-Rzeszów 2006. Reviewer: E. Farkašová