
Institute of Economics and Finance - Research (Scientific activity)

Scientific research conducted at the UR Institute of Economics and Finance focuses on current socio-economic issues related to:

  • processes of economic growth and development,
  • determinants of regional and local development taking into account current development priorities (competitiveness, economic and social cohesion, sustainable development),
  • economics of agriculture and rural areas,
  • socio-economic and institutional conditions of agribusiness development,
  • conditions for the development of entrepreneurship and the adaptation of entities to new market requirements,
  • effectiveness of the application of marketing tools and activities, and marketing management in companies,
  • market mechanisms of quality formation,
  • business efficiency, evaluation of the financial standing of business entities, financial evaluation of investments,
  • processes of enterprise restructuring and transformation of socio-economic structures,
  • support of economic processes through the use of modern IT tools and network techniques,
  • functioning of economic mechanisms in the cooperative sector.

The leading research issues of Institute of Economics and Finance are referred to in the scientific journals published at the Institute: “Nierówności Społeczne a Wzrost Gospodarczy” ("Social Inequality and Economic Growth" (ISSN 1898-5084, eISSN 2658-0780, DOI 10.15584/nsawg; included in the list of the MEiN (Ministry of Science and Higher Education), indexed in many international databases, as well as the journal "Transborder Economics" (ISSN: 2451-3229).

Research is also carried out, among others,  within the framework of the Spółdzielczy Instytut Badawczy  (Cooperative Research Institute)  (a branch of the Institute operating within the Krajowa Rada Spółdzielcza (National Cooperative Council), which has been operating within the structure of the Institute since 2019.

Institute of Economics and Finance's regular scientific partners include academic centres from the Czech Republic, Spain, Germany, Romania, Slovakia, Turkey, Ukraine, Hungary and the United Kingdom. Noteworthy is the cooperation with Chinese universities mainly from Guangzhou, Beijing and Dongguan. The University of Rzeszów is the first university from Poland to be accepted as a member of the Association of Economic Universities of South-East Europe (ASECU) -

For many years, IEiF has also been successfully involved in animating network cooperation in the science-economy-institutional environment. Among the entities actively cooperating with IEiF are: Urząd Statystyczny w Rzeszowie (Statistical Office in Rzeszów), Wojewódzki Urząd Pracy  (Provincial Labour Office), Urząd Marszałkowski (Marshal’s  Office), Regionalna Izba Obrachunkowa (Regional Chamber of Audit), Rzeszowska Agencja Rozwoju Regionalnego (Regional Development Agency in Rzeszów), Agencja Restrukturyzacji i Modernizacji Rolnictwa (Agency for the Restructuring and Modernisation of Agriculture), NBP ( National Bank of Poland), Euroregion Karpaty (Carpathian Euroregion), local governments, educational units and representatives of the business environment. This cooperation results in joint research projects, as well as debates and regular scientific conferences: “Nierówności Społeczne a Wzrost Gospodarczy” ("Social Inequalities and Economic Growth"); conferences on the financial management of TSUs.

Confirmation of the high quality of scientific activity at IEiF is:

  • the granting of the right to confer the degree of doctor of economic sciences in the discipline of economics by the Centralna Komisja do Spraw Stopni i Tytułów (Central Commission for Academic Degrees and Titles) in 2015
  • the B+ category obtained in 2022 for scientific activity in the discipline of economics and finance. The Scientific Council of the College of Social Sciences at the University of Rzeszów is authorised to confer doctoral and post-doctoral degrees in the discipline of economics and finance.