About the Institute

The Institute of Physics is an organizational unit of the College of Natural Sciences of the University of Rzeszow, called into being by the decision of the Rector on October 1, 2019. A new structure of the Institute was established at that time on the basis of the chairs of the Experimental Physics, Theoretical Physics, Biophysics, and the Didactic – Research Centre for Microelectronics and Nanotechnology, existing in the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences. The experimental facilities of the new Institute also become selected laboratories of the Centre for Innovation and Transfer of Natural Sciences and Engineering Knowledge of the University of Rzeszow. In particular, these are the Laboratory of Materials Technology for Industry, Laboratory of Materials Spectroscopy, Laboratory of Environmental Research and Control, Laboratory of Forecasts, Systemic and Structural Research, and the Vibroacoustics Workplace in the Laboratory of Control of Mechanical and Electrical Systems.

There are three smaller organizational units in the new structure of the Institute of Physics; the Department of Biophysical and Structural Research, the Division of Material and Spectroscopic Research and the Division of Optometry and Spectroscopy. The Institute employs 24 academic teachers (including four with the title of full professor, 12 with the degree of habilitated doctor, 8 with the PhD ), as well as 11 engineering, technical, and administrative staff.
The research in the Institute of Physics is focused on:
-     condensed matter physics
-     optics and optical materials
-     optical, Raman, FT-VIS/UV, FTIR, LIF spectroscopies and their applications in medicine, environment, and materials
-     interdisciplinary issues related to physics, medicine, and biotechnology
-     high-energy physics
-     vibroacoustics
-     astrophysics