Department of Ecology and Environmental Protection



Address: A. Zelwerowicza 4, 35-601 Rzeszów, telephone: (17) 785 52 04, e-mail:


Department of Ecology and Environmental Protection carries out research within the area of various disciplines of environmental sciences: biodiversity, ecology, monitoring of inland waters, lichenology, algology.
We work closely with other Universities and Science Institutions for a comprehensive approach to multilateral environmental issues.
The main task of the Department of Ecology and Environmental Protection is a modern approach for nature conservation and environmental protection.


Research projects and publications



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Krzysztof Kukuła, PhD., D.Sc.

Full Professor

D9, Room: 217, Phone: +48 17  7855 217


Research subject: animal population ecology; the functioning of ecosystems; stream ecology; human impact on the environment; protection and monitoring of inland waters; the impact of beavers on the environment; keystone species, ecosystem engineers; apex predators; ecological corridors; the impact of drought on ecosystems; ecological barriers; steping-stone habitats; statistical analyzes in ecology.

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Aneta Bylak, PhD, DSc

Head of department

Associate Professor

D9, Room: 203, Phone: +48 17  7855 203,


Research subject: animal population ecology; the functioning of ecosystems; stream ecology; human impact on the environment; protection and monitoring of inland waters; the impact of beavers on the environment; keystone species, ecosystem engineers; apex predators; ecological corridors; the impact of drought on ecosystems; ecological barriers; steping-stone habitats; statistical analyzes in ecology.

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Paweł Czarnota, PhD., D.Sc., Eng.

Associate Professor

D9, Room: 218, Phone: +48 17  7855 218,


Research subject: taxonomy, ecology, diversity, protection of lichens; environmental bioindication; influence of lichen substances on organisms, forest ecology; dynamics of plant species and communities; large predators.

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Natalia Kochman-Kędziora, PhD

D9, Room: 218; Phone: (17) 7855 218


Research subject: morphology, taxonomy and ecology of algae, especially diatoms (Bacillariophyta); sanitary hazards of environment; water quality assessment.

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Elżbieta Hałoń, MSc

D9, Room: 204, Phone: +48 17  7855 204


Research subject: animal population ecology; the functioning of ecosystems; human impact on the environment; protection and monitoring of inland waters.



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Małgorzata Kotańska, PhD., D.Sc.

Professor Małgorzata Kotańska worked at the Univeristy until 2010, when she retired. However, since then, she has published valuable articles and supported the research conducted in our department.

Research subject:  plant ecology; protection of meadow communities; analysis of the floristic composition and changes in primary and secondary flora grass communities.

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Ewa Kukuła, PhD.

Dr. Ewa Kukuła finished her work at the University of Rzeszów in 2022. For first and second term (8 years) she was a Vice-Dean for Education Quality at the Faculty of Biology and Agriculture. Despite the end of her professional career, Dr. Ewa Kukuła actively supports the scientific research conducted in our department.

Research subject: sanitary hazards of environment; water quality assessment; food microbiology; the environmental role of the activated sludge organisms; identification of the sources of microbial contamination of the environment.