mgr Michał Hałys


ORCID: 0000-0003-2506-2120

The topic of my dissertation is: “Japanese manga comics in Polish and English translation

The research aims at shedding light on the complex and multifaceted yet largely unexplored topic of graphic narrative translation, at its core focusing on the translation of Japanese manga comics. Manga is understood as a particular genre of comics produced originally in Japan, with a distinct visual and linguistic style, which makes it a highly unusual specimen at the crossroads of literature and sequential art. The study bids to examine existing theories in comics translation and their application in manga translation, taking into account the inherently Japanese spirit of manga, which manifests itself both in form and content. Particularly, chosen as the focal point of the research is translation of manga into Polish and English, with special attention devoted to the differences between the two language versions and their possible implications for divergence in translation approach. The study utilises a corpus consisting of several dozen volumes of selected manga series published in original (Japanese), as well as their Polish and English translations.

Apart from comics translation, my academic interests include literary and audiovisual translation, broadly understood contrastive analysis (especially with regard to semantics), as well as sociolinguistics and pragmatics.



  1. Hałys, M. (2021). ‘When numeronyms are not what they seem – analysis of the functions and distribution of numerals in the numeronyms featured in the Netlingo Dictionary of Texting Terms & Online Acronyms.’ [In:] R. Kiełtyka, M. Trinder i A. Uberman (eds) Studia Anglica Resoviensia Rzeszów: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego: 20–30. DOI: 10.15584/sar.2021.18.2.
  2. Hałys, M. (2020). ‘On the (un)familiarity and (ir)regularity of the Japanese language from an Anglo-centric perspective. Pietluch & D. Trinder (eds) Galicia Studies in Linguistics, Literature and Culture – The Students’ Voices 9. Rzeszów: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego: 34–48.