
HR Excellence in Research awarded to UR!


We are pleased to announce that on May 11th, 2022, the European Commission awarded the University of Rzeszow with the prestigious logo "HR Excellence in Research".

Obtaining this award was possible thanks to the involvement of the academic community of our University in the tedious process of verifying the implemented solutions related to the principles of the European Charter for Researchers.

This distinction is awarded to institutions that contribute to making the working conditions of researchers in the European Union more attractive and provide employees with a transparent recruitment process, stability of employment and career development opportunities.

The "HR Excellence in Research" distinction was awarded for 2 years, after which the activities and standards related to working conditions and recruitment will be re-evaluated.

In the official notice one can read that “From now on, you can use the 'HR Excellence in Research' award to promote the stimulating and favorable work environment for researchers in your institution.


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The University of Rzeszow was included in the list of the European Commission on the Euraxess portal, which additionally confirms that our University belongs to the group of institutions implementing the highest standards and principles set out in the European Charter for Researchers.

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