mgr inż. Natalia Szarek

ORCID: 0000-0002-8270-1200


The topic of my dissertation is “Influence of the beetroot juice production method on the content of health-promoting and taste-related compounds in the obtained products”.

The subject of the research is to determine the effect of the method of producing red beet juice (Beta vulgaris sp.) on the content of health-promoting and taste compounds in the obtained products. The aim is to obtain raw juices and beetroot powders on their basis obtained by spray drying. The obtained products should have a high health-promoting potential, in particular an increased content of betalains and the desirable composition of flavor compounds.

In the first stage of the study, beet pulp was subjected to the action of single enzymes such as e.g. α-amylase, cellulase, pectinase or protease and their combinations, using optimal conditions for each of the biocatalysts, taking into account different doses and incubation times.

In the second stage of research, the beet pulp was treated with non-thermal processing methods such as ultrasound, microwave radiation and vacuum, taking into account different operating times and using different radiation power or atmospheric pressure. In addition, based on the results obtained from the first and second stages of the research, the best methods of pulp treatment will be selected, leading to the obtaining of juice with increased health-promoting parameters, which will be spray-dried on various carriers to prepare high-quality beet powder.

In the scientific literature, there are available results of scientific studies assessing the quality, including health-promoting properties of beetroot juice reconstituted from concentrate, as well as describing the possibilities of its use. However, few publications concern research on raw beet juice. So far, the research conducted by scientists has been related to determining the efficiency of pressing juices from pulp treated with pectinolytic, amylolytic or cellulolytic enzyme preparations. However, the publications lack information on the influence of enzymatic maceration and the use of non-thermal methods of beet pulp treatment on the content of biologically active compounds and sensory properties of the obtained products. It was also not checked whether significant transformations of betalain pigments occur in the obtained beet juices and powders during the application of the above-mentioned methods of pulp treatment.

The obtained research results will allow designing of beet juices and powders characterized by a high content of biologically active compounds as well as the desired sensory properties, and, if satisfactory research results are obtained, the development of a technology for the production of beetroot juice and powder, which can be used in the food industry.


  1. Szarek N. Zdrowie na talerzu, czyli właściwości prozdrowotne owoców i warzyw sezonowych.Czasopismo specjalistyczne o zdrowym odżywianiu Food Forum. ABC prawidłowego żywienia. Czerwiec- lipiec 2022, nr 3 (49), 2022, str. 91-94. ISSN: 2299-6346.
  2. Szarek N. Zboża i walory ich świeżego mielenia.Czasopismo specjalistyczne o zdrowym odżywianiu Food Forum. ABC prawidłowego żywienia. Sierpień - wrzesień 2022, nr 4 (50), 2022, str. 86-89. ISSN: 2299-6346.

Chapters in monographs:

  1. Golba K., Jaworska G., Szarek N., Posadzka Z., Hanus P. Wpływ temperatury miazgi na jakość soku z buraka ćwikłowego, (w:) Postęp w naukach o żywności, (red.) Witczak M., Puchalski Cz., Jaworska G., Gajdek G., UR, 2020, s. 27-37, ISBN: 978-83-7996-803-9.
  2. Hanus P., Jaworska G., Pycia K., Baran I., Szarek N., Porównanie właściwości fizycznych i chemicznych produktów roślinnych poddanych obróbce sous vide w stosunku do tradycyjnych metod obróbki termicznej, (w:) Żywność i jej bezpieczeństwo, (red.) Gajdek G., Puchalski Cz., Jaworska G., UR, 2020, s. 38-46, ISBN:  978-83-7996-804-6.
  3. Szarek N., Jaworska G., Hanus P., Posadzka Z., Olko K. Właściwości prozdrowotne korzenia buraka ćwikłowego i produktów z niego uzyskanych, (w:) Postęp w naukach o żywieniu człowieka, (red.) Jaworska G., Puchalski Cz., Witczak T., Gajdek G., UR, 2020, s. 39-51, ISBN: 978-83-7996-837-4.
  4. Szarek N., Jaworska G., Hanus P. Azotany w buraku ćwikłowym- wpływ na zdrowie człowieka, (w) Potencjał biologiczny żywności część 2, (red.) Gajdek G., Puchalski Cz., UR, 2021, s. 82-97, ISBN: 978-83-7996-928-9.

Publications in print:

  1. Szarek N., Jaworska G., Hanus P. Changes of betalain in effect of selected factors

Research training stays:

  1. 4-week internship at the Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology, Cracow University of Technology. During the internship, the participants took part in scientific research on extraction and purification of betacyanin compounds from the fruit of Malabar spinach Basella rubra L. During the internship, they learnt the techniques of purification of plant extracts on selected beds and the principle of LC-MS mass spectrometer operation.
  2. Research internship at the University of Bologna, Cesena, Italy, under the program  "International scholarship exchange of doctoral students and academic staff" project no. POWR.03.03.00-00-PN13 / 18 (01-16 of  June 2022).