mgr Karolina Paszek-Grześkiewicz

ORCID: 0000-0003-0292-0866

The topic of my dissertation is Female reporters of the 21st century. Literariness as a determinant of female problem reportages (selected examples)".

My doctoral dissertation is entitled "Female reporters of the 21st century. Literariness as a determinant of female problem reportages (selected examples)". The decision to take up such topic comes from the fact that among the directions of analysis and interpretation of contemporary reportages, it is difficult to find publications focusing on the figure of the author - a woman. Female reportages are an important part of journalistic work, which very often draws inspiration from literature. Paying attention to literariness as a determinant of contemporary, female reporting will be an interesting innovation and will open up the field for further interdisciplinary considerations. Research on the relationship between the female author and the subject of the report, the way the problem is presented, the literary elements used and their impact on the reception of content have a chance to create new insights and effectively fill the research gap in literary and media studies.

The proposed topic of the doctoral dissertation will be a review of contemporary, female non-fiction literary works. This review will be interdisciplinary, which will enable multi-track interpretations and broaden the knowledge of hybrid genres in contemporary journalism. The analysis, interpretation, comparison and criticism of the selected literature will show similarities, differences, relationships, dependencies and the most important innovations in creating contemporary reportages. I would like to focus on creating a hybrid image of contemporary women's reportages, which are in constant correlation with literature. I want to pay attention to the importance of the interpenetration of factual and fictional elements in modern reportages and indicate in them a strong determinant of the development of the genre. This will make it possible to open up analyzes and considerations about reportage in terms of a literary work.


  1. W poszukiwaniu tego, co Inne. współczesne reportaże podróżnicze jako opowieści o Inności, „Dydaktyka Polonistyczna”, nr 6(15)/2020, s. 141-150.
  2. Tematyka i język współczesnych felietonów na przykładzie zbioru „Więcej niż możesz zjeść (Felietony parakulinarne Doroty Masłowskiej)”, (w:) W kręgu prasy dawnej i współczesnej. Wybrane problemy (1), pod. red. Jolanty Kowal, Magdaleny Patro-Kucab i Pauliny Podolskiej, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, Rzeszów 2021, s. 227-240.