mgr Paweł Garbacik


Zdjęcie Garbacik P..jpg [13.68 KB]  ORCID: 0000-0002-4717-8987

The topic of my dissertation is: Kazimierz Lepszy (1904-1964) - life and research” 

The aim of this doctoral dissertation is to prepare a scientific monograph Kazimierz Lepszy (1904-1964) - life and scientific activity. It is to fill the research gap in the field of biography of outstanding representatives of the historical milieu in Poland in the 20th century, with particular emphasis on the Krakow milieu. So far - apart from the novel Piastowskie Migrations by Rector J. Sikora, obituaries and jubilee biographies - no scientific monograph devoted to Kazimierz Lepszy, the protagonist of the project, has been published. He enriched Polish historiography with a vast number of valuable scientific works, covering the political, socio-economic history and culture of Poland in the 16th century. In addition, he was the author of respected books in the field of Polish marine and the editor of the Polish Biographical Dictionary. The planned monograph will be a contribution to a broader research on Krakow's historical environment in the 20th century.

For this to happen, the position and place occupied by K. Lepszy among local historians must be established, taking into account his scientific development, worldview and political evolution. On the basis of the collected archival materials, stored mainly in the scientific institutions of Krakow, you need to answer the questions about:

- Factors that influenced the development of historical interests of the modern Kraków citizen.

- War and camp experiences which influenced the ideological and research attitude of K. Lepszy.

- His attitude to the post-war political reality.

- Contribution to the development of Marxist historiography.

- Participation in the expansion of scientific and organizational facilities in post-war Poland.

- The directions of K. Lepszy's research in the 20th century.

- Didactic role at the Jagiellonian University in the People's Republic of Poland.

- The place of K. Lepszy's scientific achievements in Polish historiography of the 20th century.

Research methods that will allow to answer the above questions and verify the assumed research hypotheses are: analysis of archival and printed sources, comparative method, interviews and their interpretation, analysis of audio-visual materials and documentation of artifacts related to the life of the Krakow historian.

The preparation of such a monograph will contribute to deepening the knowledge of the Krakow historical milieu in the 19th and 20th centuries and will allow to commemorate the outstanding Krakow historian. The work should also be used in classes devoted to Polish historiography and the history of science of the 20th century.